Thursday, June 19, 2014

RE: Cheers to the City of Washougal

much appreciated, glad to hear it. Anne said you all on vacation, enjoy it. Good weather. she also thinks a survey isn't a half bad idea.

2020 will be here sooner than we think. Doesn't hurt to prep. also, it never hurts to check in with citizens.

thanks for the good response Eric, I appreciate it.

On Jun 19, 2014 2:29 PM, "Holmes, Eric" <> wrote:

Shea –


Just an observation – the City is not facing a deficit in 2015 as Washougal appears to be.  Rather, we are expecting a surplus for the 2015-16 biennium.  The deficit reported in the Columbian for Vancouver is for 2020, 6 years from now.


Also, the City surveys our residents on their priorities and satisfaction every 2 years (which coincides with the years we prepare budgets), and have done so for more than a decade. We are expecting final results from this year's survey soon.


Regards –


Eric J. Holmes| City Manager
P: 360.487.8640

This message, in whole or in part, may be subject to public disclosure, including routine disclosure to the media.


From: Shea Michael Anderson []
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 12:06 PM
Cc: Holmes, Eric
Subject: Cheers to the City of Washougal


for mailing out a survey to its 15000 people to ask them how they want to patch up a 560k city deficit.

Vancouver should follow its neighbor to the easts lead and do the same with its projected 10 million dollar deficit. Residents need a voice.

I am CCing city manager Eric Holmes on this post. Eric, let's get a survey out to the people here in Vantucky so you all can get a sense of what we would like to keep and what can go.

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