Monday, June 23, 2014

Movie Nights at The Little Garden - Why Isnt the Downtown Association Promoting?

Downtown Vantucky is looking much spiffier than even 3 months ago-lots of new bars and restaurants, flowery planter boxes, ciggie butts off gutters, even a new "arts district". This means whatever Lee Rafferty and the Board of the Downtown Association are doing is working. I like that.

What I dont like to hear is the VDA ignoring and not aiding startup businesses, especially boutiques that fill a downtown need-such as The Little Garden, 108 E 7th St. This lovely store and shaded courtyard features bunnies, baby chicks, cool succulents, one of a kind garden art items at good prices, cut flowers, and handmade kids outdoor clothes. Plus an awesome raised stage/permaculture garden perfect for concerts and yes, watching movies (projected onto courtyard wall).

What I hear from the horses' mouth is that the Vancouver Downtown Association, specifically Lee Rafferty, is ignoring The Little Garden's pleas for some much needed promotion. C'mon Lee and VDA, what gives? As you know, I prefer straight talk rather than slick replies.

This email constitutes, with its replies, a public blog post on O Vancouvria!. Thanks.

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