Tuesday, June 17, 2014


A hopefully not too lengthy recap of peeves and pleasurable goings on in and around lovely Vancouvria this past week:


City Council finally put out a call for bids to construct the Columbia Way extension through the Port's Terminal One (Red Lion at The Quay) property. Looks like construction will start in the fall and be done by December - giving us a 10 ACRE WATERFRONT PARK. Thank you City Council!


Lou Brancaccio, in his Sunday Columbian column, swiped TWO subjects from me that I've previously posted on: first, his "scoop" that Gov. Inslee has "the final say" on the oil by rail terminal. Second, his "disclosure" that the County has made a deal with Commissioner Barnes and Director Benton on Benton's libel lawsuit, and is paying off legal bills - to tune of $250K. Lou, next time take a LOOK at my posts prior to plagiarizing, please.


We have MUCH BETTER transit than Tacoma.


Tacoma has 5 world-class museums, two botanical gardens, a zoo, and a conservatory. Plus 3 colleges in addition to their community college and UW branch university. We have one middling museum, no botanical gardens, no zoo, no conservatory. Oh, and Tacoma has a "Theater District" with actual theaters. I'm pleased to see Vancouver's Arts District, but hope it fleshes out.


The Vancouver Downtown Authority and Lee Rafferty working with C-Tran on Bus Rapid Transit. Also nice to see good infill along 7th and 6th Streets, including "The Little Garden" (yes, a garden shop spot) at 7th between Broadway and Main. Thank you Lee!

Shea Michael Anderson
Owner, The Sacred Garden
1923 Harney St, Vancouver WA 98660

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