Tuesday, July 29, 2014

TOWN HALL MEETINGS NOW, and Straight Talk from Council on Oil Terminal + Waterfront Pearl

As I think the Vancouver City Council knows from their comments at last night's Citizens' Forum (where Council + Manager Holmes sit around a semi-circle like the Oracle at Delphi, only without the gauzy dresses, blindfolds, or sulfurous fumes, listening to us speak our minds), its clear Council needs to take their show on the road - although they should leave the weasel and his Bearded Lady at home (Madore + Benton). 

I am firmly with Stephanie Turlay on the matter of Council holding town halls all around the town. In fact, I'd like to see Council sitting around say, Vancouver Mall, just chit chatting with us "just folks": - maybe saying "hi" to Rocky the Parrot? Council should consider very INFORMAL town halls - something along the lines of speed dating, where we get to know them better. Yeah, I know Council gets out and about. A formal meet and greet, even if Council and Manager sit around in comfy chairs with us and chit chat about our needs (and Council is properly compensated for its time) ensures we get our word in and hear it direct from Council's mouth - rather than rumor and misinformation. 

Speaking of misinformation - Council needs to hold a town hall STAT on the oil by rail terminal and the "Pearl of Vancouver" waterfront development - and get word out on both by Facebook and off the City's home page. 

Its NOT enough to just have info somewhere on Council's homepage, particularly given Tesoro Savage lobbying groups (People for Tesoro Savage) are sending slanderous mailers out about Council's choice to oppose oil by rail. Council and Manager Holmes need to JUMP in front of this issue and make sure us citizens KNOW where the buck stops in Vancouver. 

2x a year for regular town hall meetings plenty. Excepting emergencies like oil by rail. 

C'mon in City Council - the water's fine!


PS this email is a public post at O Vancouvria!, ovancouvria.blogspot.com

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