Sunday, July 27, 2014

IGNORE DAVID MADORE and His Three Ring Circus of Lemming Lies

  • Yawn. Why anyone in our old Vantucky home gives two hoots about Madore's wacky tabacky pipe dreams in the sky, rather than focusing on passing a new Charter, or getting good candidates lined up to knock his sorry butt out of office, is beyond me. Y'all sure are giving him way more attention than he deserves, and its attracting more energy to him and his three-ring circus.

  • Remember, Madore was elected on 34% of the vote. If Dems hadn't run Brittain (a big mistake) and supported Boldt instead, we wouldnt be dealing with his insanity seeming to affect everyones' lives. Instead, he's become the Big Bad Wolf because we're all scurrying around to counter whatever badness he spouts off. IGNORE the lemmings headed for the cliff, and focus on the future. Which will be w/o David Madore in office.

  • NOW is NOT the time to sweat over bugaboo fears about what Madore might do, what he might not do, what he might say - what he might build. The more energy you give this man in your life, the bigger his swollen melon-head gets. Ignore him, and work for actual positive sea changes (like a YES vote on the new County Charter) in Clark County. 

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