Sunday, December 22, 2013

New Luxury Downtown Burgerville Site Apts Fugly

Well, hand it to Couver movers n shakers to screw up new high end luxury living downtown. This time, its the new fancy living condo apts on old Burgerville site, E 15th at C. Fast food colors drape boxy faux chateau spaces flush to street, with nada to invite the eye, let alone invite vibrant living ala Pearl District. I hear rents in these snazzlespaces start at $700 for studios. A bit above comparable spaces in Arnada etc, with added bonus of Mill Plain and I5 traffic noise. And panhandlers nearby. Plus, no private outdoor spaces to be balconies, porches.

I realize gracious downtown living is still foreign to many Couvers, especially developers. However, plopping down the same old formula youd build out in Fishers or on Hazel Dell Ave is NOT how to revitalize downtown Vancouver. To wit, these new apts are not the "Great White Hope" (as it were) that city politicos promised us when they tore down an iconic landmark (WHY is there NO historic district in downtown adjacent???)

I fail to see how overpriced suburban style fortresses lacking any street level amenities will attract new folks from snazzy urban Portland, let alone Yacolt retirees on a budget. Its unclear to me why city leaders think these new apts say Vancouver has arrived in terms of a livable downtown. Might as well say Vancouver has yet again shown how bland and suburban stereotyped it can be with these babies.

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