As you may know, I greatly enjoy poking sharp sticks at helpless creatures, especially unfortunate brighteyed youth placed direct in the path of an oft feared public.
Well, i did it again. By accident, I swear. I overheard a librarian on the 5th Floor of our lovely modern Central Library tell a rather handsome young man that the academic titles he wanted werent there, and he should "contact his school for ways to e-read them".
Well, little ol' me, who is aware of interlibrary loans and their hassling delays, was wondering why my FVRL library card was no good at Clark College's or WSUV's libraries, surely filled with tons of academic goodies, including (Id hope) course texts. Not to mention other nearby libraries, like Multnomah, which wont accept fishy Couver library cards, but will gladly give you theirs even with a Clark Co address.
Anyways, I popped this question, which isnt one to ask innocent library assistants, on this poor young lady at Central Library just a minute ago. She was at a loss to see why I wasnt happy just filing an interlibrary loan for Clark College tomes, waiting 2 weeks rather than just going over there in ten minutes walk.
Im not sure the reason for this strange library apartheid. Its not as if using an FVRL card (and giving likewise privileges to Clark n WSUV students at FVRL) is somehow degrading, immoral, or criminal as an idea - libraries do catch book thiefs. So why then? Provincial jealousy?
Im cc'ing Clark Coll & FVRL heads on this blog post to ask (note to named heads: this email is a public post to
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