Because brevity can be a virtue, and because its Friday, and because Ive done some lengthy posts this week, I just want to quickly applaud Aveda Institute's opening in Vancouver this month.
Aveda, the hoity toity salon and cosmetology hoo has, have nothing, of course, on my salon of choice: The Vancouver School of Beauty, with $5 mens cuts, located at 6th and Washington, downtown. However, the Couv is to be patted on the back for landing this small juicy plum: their other location in metro area is The Pearl.
While Aveda alone offering classes doesnt instantly make a "Pearl of Vancouver", it does show that global brands and companies see the Couv as a good place to be: the buying power, relatively larger disposable incomes (esp on the east side, where Aveda is going), and ongoing growth all point towards the "Wet n Wild" city getting classier by the day.
So, go in and get a facial, makeover, or whatever other organic beauty things Aveda students study, and SAVE the hassle of going south to The Pearl. Weve earned it.
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