Wednesday, December 4, 2013

New County Job Description Proposed by Former County Head - Read and Weep

The below link is to a proposed new job description created by Steve
Foster, a former HR director at Clark County who left in 2001.

THANK YOU to the "All Politics Is Local" blog at The Columbian for the
post, and for the share. Please visit them at -
their wit and insights are often right on the money.

I'd be curious to see what the pay and benefit perks are with said position.

I'd include relevant folks on my posting, but I think in this case,
given original post was in The Columbian, I assume everyone who reads
the paper here has seen it - including our current County HR director,
as well as DES Director Benton. I wonder of Benton's gonna get all
libel on Steve Foster, thus increasing County lawsuit woes - FIVE,
count 'em, FIVE lawsuits already for this mess.

Not to mention County bigwigs' continued violations of their own gag
order - including Benton's own "lets have breakfast and discuss my
side of the story" invite to me via email, and Madore's Nov 19
comment, for the record, about Benton's high ethics, solid morals,
their personal friendship, and that he had "five lawyers who each make
300K a year in this room (the BOCC meeting chambers) who would think
different (regarding the County's responsibility for hiring violations
on Benton, and Benton's evidence proving libel (against Ed Barnes).
Hmmm. Food for thought. Your thoughts?

Anyhow, here's link:

O Vancouvria! I'd say my blood's "getting cold on the ground" (to
paraphrase The Decemberists' song O Valencia! but I think I'm at full
dehydration point concerning any blood I might shed on anything County
bigwigs do anymore. Happy to know they're creating jobs that will put
said malfeasance issues in stone.

Read, follow, share, discuss. Thank you!
*Shea Michael Anderson*
1923 Harney St, Vancouver WA 98660

*360 991 5206, 360 852 7414 (msgs)*
* <>*

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