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The Wigged Weasel Has a Bridge of Grudges He'd Like to Sell You on August 5, 2014 |
Clark County 2014 Primary Ballot Endorsements
For better or worse, HERE are my 2014 Clark County Primary Ballot picks. REMEMBER TO GET BALLOT IN THE MAIL TO ELECTIONS by AUGUST 5th, 2014. Let's please get ABOVE our usual 18% of registered voters actually voting in this County, eh?
US House of Representatives, 3rd District:
O Vancouvria! endorses NONE OF THE ABOVE for 3rd US House. Dingenthal is possibly OK, but as lukewarm as Malto-Meal on the third day. Hererra-Buetler, the incumbent, is a House Republican flunky who needs to come on home to Prune Hill and raise little baby Hererra-Buetler.
State House and Senate Seats, All Districts:
(Please NOTE that I'm not gonna comment on a race choice unless I actually know something about a candidate)
17th District House:
MONICA STONIER is the clear choice to make here on this one. She squeaked in two years ago in a cliffhanger election, and has since proven to be a trusted ally of east Vancouver/Orchards area voters in the House, yet sensible enough to work with both sides. She isn't a mover or shaker yet, but she does have the heat on and is adding a great list of ingredients to her political repertoire. Lynda Wilson, the GOP candidate, is a hack the Madore establishment has put forth in order to further "red herring" voters. She's actively against Don Benton, and that, my friends, is good enough for me.
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Benton: Madore's Bearded Lady? |
CHRIS ROCKHOLD is my other choice for 17th District Houuse (Seat 2). Rockhold, the Libertarian candidate, is a good choice because his stances specifically align with voters' thoughts in the 17th - including strong support for privacy rights and education (like fulfilling full funding of K-12 education). The other candidates are humdrum on this one. Also, we NEED more independent legislators in Olympia (currently ZERO minor party representatives or senators). Paul Harris, running on the GOP ticket, is another Madore shill.
State House, 18th District:
MIKE BRIGGS is the clear choice for Seat 1 in the 18th (Camas, Battle Ground, Washougal, La Center). He is a solid candidate whose stances closely mirror working-class folks' on the East End. He's sensible, specific, honest, and open to talking to "just plain folks". Vick hasn't done a darned thing while in office other than grouse at the Dem majority. Its time to send him home.
MAUREEN CUNNINGHAM is my pick for Seat 2. She is a savvy fiscally conservative gal whose roots and training with Hewlett Packard and military background make her ideal for more rural older voters in the 18th, and her tech knowledge and willingness to GET more techie jobs to the Prune Hill/Fishers area makes her a perfect choice to oppose Redmond/Seattle based interests and bring jobs home. Liz Pike's sudden "come to Jesus" on working together for a new bridge solution is just a little too late, as is her statement to voters about how "she opposed" (singlehandedly?) the Columbia River Crossing. She's just a little too close to weaselly Madore windmills for my comfort, even though I hear on the ground she's trying her darndest to get to center.
State House, 49th District:
SCOTT DALESANDRO is my pick for Seat 1. It's clear that whatever Sharon Wylie may claim about "more efficient government" in Olympia, her management consulting experience isn't getting squat done when we can't simply ask, say, the Department of Revenue, to just call or walk over to their counterparts in another department (and they're in the same building in Tumwater). Also, having Labor & Industries investigators paid to DRIVE from Aberdeen to Vancouver to investigate claims (my own personal experience) is just sheer silliness. Finally, if Sharon's so efficient, let's see her get Revenue to quit doing stupid stuff - like having a separate Business+Occupation tax class for "sellers of sea urchins" (oh yes). Anson Service, whatever his "put Vancouver first" policies, should go ahead and work in local Vantucky politics a bit more to get said philosophies up and running.
JIM MOELLER, our TRUE man in Olympia who gets things done and listens to us, is the CLEAR choice in Seat 2. Jim is now high up enough in Oly Dem leadership to bring home the bacon, and stop harmful changes pushed by Seattle-centric hoo-ha legislators (such as giving Clark County 1/2 of 1% of new gas tax revenues when we have 5% of the state's population). While Jim may not agree with everyone, he ALWAYS takes time to explain why he's doing what he's doing. SEND JIM BACK TO OLYMPIA PLEASE.
Carolyn Crain and Lisa Ross are just WRONG for the 49th, a district that votes 70% Democratic. Carolyn needs to season herself by serving on advisory and community boards rather than going off at the mouth about circle jerking and Rose Quarter traffic woes (as earnest as she is), while Lisa Ross is the GOP red herring put in by County party folks to oppose her and advance Madore's weaselly windmill tilting.
Again, JIM MOELLER for Seat 2, 49th District. He's our man.
Assessor - Peter Van Nortwick
Auditor - Greg Kimsey
Clerk - Deanna Pauli-Hammond
Prosecutor - Tony Golik
North County EMS Levy - YES
Yacolt Measure 1 - YES
Treasurer - Lauren Colas. Its high time Doug Lasher went the way of the dinosaurs. We need efficient and responsive folks at Treasury rather than timid passive-aggressive excuses and employees. Elect LAUREN COLAS and get someone in there who WILL clean house.
Clark County Commissioner District 3 (west Vancouver):
CRAIG PRIDEMORE please. Jeanne Harris is a Madore wanna-be who loves to complain. Pridemore, while he's not the loudest voice in opposition to Madore's insanities, is in fact a solid voice of critique and rational light who NEEDS to be on the Board of Commissioners. He's also a champion of fair compromise across the aisle, and can continue the good work of turning Commissioner Mielke aside from the Sith Lord path and back to Jedi ways. Pridemore will carry us through to government under our NEW County Charter effectively and efficiently.
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Madore Elephants Foraging for Red Herrings |
Finally, last but not least: SHANE GARDNER for County Sheriff.
Gardner is the most progressive of the Sheriff's office candidates. He's personable, open to critique, and committed to relieving pressures on our jail and bloated inefficiencies at work crew and with our County probation system. He's a man who is also committed to upping service levels in our now-urban portions of unincoporated Clark County, particularly Hazel Dell and Orchards/Walnut Grove. He's supported by a wide spectrum of sensible and progressive folks on both sides of the aisle.
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Sad Progressive and Liberal County Voter |
That's it! Go vote! Thank you.
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