Sunday, July 27, 2014

Back from Summer Vacay Break, and Better Than Ever!

Folks and loyal readers of my lil ol' blog: YES, I am back from my summer hiatus to Klamath Falls, Tacoma, and Bend (and points in between), and ready to dedicate the full force of my gaze to Clark County and Vantucky political shenanigans, idiocies, highlights, and lowlights. In particular, full spotlights on Madore's Folly (the new East County bridge), Ed Barnes and how he plays well with others on Council, passage of the NEW CHARTER (and where is said Charter campaign?), downtown Vancouver's ongoing blossoming, public park toilets in Vantucky parks, and other intrigues from both County and City Council. We hit the sweet spots, smear the palate cleansers, and give bitter tonics to those in need. 

Look to O Vancouvria! to investigate the quirks, nooks, and crannies YOU need uncovered. Look to me to NOT sweep Couver trash under your nice rugs. Read, comment, laugh, and share O Vancouvria! today!

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