Wednesday, July 30, 2014

More Bridge Thoughts as Posted in The Columbian by Yours Truly

As I stated yesterday to Council: East County Bridge = Madore's shiny object. The fact that y'all are being distracted (including Tyler Graf) by said shiny object - instead of following Vancouver City Council's lead and resisting the siren song of said East End bridge issue - is beyond me. All that glitters at 192nd Avenue and its fancy dance proposed bridge (and has anyone yet followed FIGG's "altruism" back to County offices?) is NOT in fact gold, nor in fact an issue County voters need worry over given we are voting on a new County charter (and upon a YES to new Charter then new Commissioners + elected Executive) come November.

Given only 18% of the electorate actually voted in our County last November (and said YES to a Westside bridge by 56% as well) equalling around 30,000 votes in favor of either/both proposed crossings), the Commissioners (who again may not be here come a YES vote on new Charter) hardly have a mandate for to distract us with said shiny object (and Tyler, doing the math before typing the article mightve been wise - I'm sure you were also at the Council meeting yesterday AM....I didn't see you?)

Anyways, all this flutterbudgetedness (including bridge advocates' strange fascination with telling Commissioners about what "bad bad people" Portland Metro government officials, Trimet, and Portland City folks are, as well as carrying on about Portland-based traffic woes) over a) smoke and mirror issues such as Madore's new SE 192nd bridge folly, and b) issues that County Council has no control over, such as Portland traffic fixes, = TILTING at windmills.

Windmill Tilting by Bridge Supporters

I'll add this to my Columbian comments: I find it really bizarre that I speak before Council at five separate points during yesterday's mega-hearing marathon, and yet get NO mention whatsoever in The Columbian. Not that I mind. I have a feeling Lou Brancaccio's a bit irked at me ever since I reported his "Dont Do Stupid Stuff" mugs weren't locally printed/made, but instead come from China to The Columbian's offices, and either way it doesnt get me down (PS to Lou and Tyler Graf: KPTV doesnt seem to have an issue with quoting me). 

I also find it bizarre that County Council continues to indulge bridge supporters by extending them time to speak during non-bridge related public comment periods (ala Carolyn Crain and "gut you like a fish" man, I forget his irrelevant name, who got 7 MINUTES to ramble on about mean mean Portland, dirty dirty TriMet, and evil gullible little C-Tran). The tendency of speakers before Council to ramble on about issues County Council has NO CONTROL OVER (Portland traffic at Rose Quarter) is also strange. While I have the utmost respect for Commissioner Mielke (who was of GREAT help to me on unrelated matters yesterday), you'd think that a Commissioner interested in hearing ALL sides would KEEP folks ON POINT during public comment. Ah well. 

I am, along with yall, eager for Madore and his lemmings at FIGG and elsewhere to SHOW US the money - what funds will pay for the new bridge that you and I, decent Clark County citizens, will have to pay for? Bonds? New fees? Maybe developers aren't gonna get a holiday anymore? And for that matter, how is it Commissioner Mielke can tell me the County budget is "doing just fine" when they've been already hit with so many blows (ala lawsuit settling, ala increased general fund and jail expenses) and can "afford" to pay for a shiny new object (said proposed bridge) out of pocket? Has no one checked over with Lasher and Kimsey yet? I remember Barron noting Council's current finances would leave us 10-15% in deficit by end of 2014. Did Madore donate some of his Money Bin millions on over to the general fund or to new proposed bridge?

Also...who is Minneapolis based FIGG Engineering and what's their connection personally and professionally to Commissioner Madore (who has been extolling their virtues all Catholic like all year long)? Where's all that money going to and from? Why can't local engineering firms offer "unsolicited" bids? I doubt FIGG is doing this from the goodness of their hearts. Mayor Tim Leavitt: you're a civil engineer, if I recall. Is said bridge proposal beyond Vancouver engineering talent's ken? Please comment if you could. 

Taxidermied Weasel - Posing for New Bridge?

Oh - one last thing - KUDOS to Mayor Leavitt (looking sharp and snazzy handsome on KOIN 6 last night) and the rest of Vancouver City Council for saying NO NO NO to Madore's bright shiny weasel object - the propsed new East County bridge. City Council refuses to connect said new bridge to SE 192nd Avenue - a city owned street. It's refreshing to see an open and honest, and polite, governmental elected body saying Madore's buck STOPS HERE.

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