Thursday, July 31, 2014

O Vancouvria! Primary Ballot 2014 Picks Inside

The Wigged Weasel Has a Bridge of Grudges He'd Like to Sell You on August 5, 2014

Clark County 2014 Primary Ballot Endorsements

For better or worse, HERE are my 2014 Clark County Primary Ballot picks. REMEMBER TO GET BALLOT IN THE MAIL TO ELECTIONS by AUGUST 5th, 2014. Let's please get ABOVE our usual 18% of registered voters actually voting in this County, eh? 

US House of Representatives, 3rd District: 

O Vancouvria! endorses NONE OF THE ABOVE for 3rd US House. Dingenthal is possibly OK, but as lukewarm as Malto-Meal on the third day. Hererra-Buetler, the incumbent, is a House Republican flunky who needs to come on home to Prune Hill and raise little baby Hererra-Buetler. 

State House and Senate Seats, All Districts: 
(Please NOTE that I'm not gonna comment on a race choice unless I actually know something about a candidate)

17th District House: 

MONICA STONIER is the clear choice to make here on this one. She squeaked in two years ago in a cliffhanger election, and has since proven to be a trusted ally of east Vancouver/Orchards area voters in the House, yet sensible enough to work with both sides. She isn't a mover or shaker yet, but she does have the heat on and is adding a great list of ingredients to her political repertoire. Lynda Wilson, the GOP candidate, is a hack the Madore establishment has put forth in order to further "red herring" voters. She's actively against Don Benton, and that, my friends, is good enough for me. 

Benton: Madore's Bearded Lady? 
CHRIS ROCKHOLD is my other choice for 17th District Houuse (Seat 2). Rockhold, the Libertarian candidate, is a good choice because his stances specifically align with voters' thoughts in the 17th - including strong support for privacy rights and education (like fulfilling full funding of K-12 education). The other candidates are humdrum on this one. Also, we NEED more independent legislators in Olympia (currently ZERO minor party representatives or senators). Paul Harris, running on the GOP ticket, is another Madore shill. 

State House, 18th District: 

MIKE BRIGGS is the clear choice for Seat 1 in the 18th (Camas, Battle Ground, Washougal, La Center). He is a solid candidate whose stances closely mirror working-class folks' on the East End. He's sensible, specific, honest, and open to talking to "just plain folks". Vick hasn't done a darned thing while in office other than grouse at the Dem majority. Its time to send him home. 

MAUREEN CUNNINGHAM is my pick for Seat 2. She is a savvy fiscally conservative gal whose roots and training with Hewlett Packard and military background make her ideal for more rural older voters in the 18th, and her tech knowledge and willingness to GET more techie jobs to the Prune Hill/Fishers area makes her a perfect choice to oppose Redmond/Seattle based interests and bring jobs home. Liz Pike's sudden "come to Jesus" on working together for a new bridge solution is just a little too late, as is her statement to voters about how "she opposed" (singlehandedly?) the Columbia River Crossing. She's just a little too close to weaselly Madore windmills for my comfort, even though I hear on the ground she's trying her darndest to get to center. 

State House, 49th District: 

SCOTT DALESANDRO is my pick for Seat 1. It's clear that whatever Sharon Wylie may claim about "more efficient government" in Olympia, her management consulting experience isn't getting squat done when we can't simply ask, say, the Department of Revenue, to just call or walk over to their counterparts in another department (and they're in the same building in Tumwater). Also, having Labor & Industries investigators paid to DRIVE from Aberdeen to Vancouver to investigate claims (my own personal experience) is just sheer silliness. Finally, if Sharon's so efficient, let's see her get Revenue to quit doing stupid stuff - like having a separate Business+Occupation tax class for "sellers of sea urchins" (oh yes). Anson Service, whatever his "put Vancouver first" policies, should go ahead and work in local Vantucky politics a bit more to get said philosophies up and running. 

JIM MOELLER, our TRUE man in Olympia who gets things done and listens to us, is the CLEAR choice in Seat 2. Jim is now high up enough in Oly Dem leadership to bring home the bacon, and stop harmful changes pushed by Seattle-centric hoo-ha legislators (such as giving Clark County 1/2 of 1% of new gas tax revenues when we have 5% of the state's population). While Jim may not agree with everyone, he ALWAYS takes time to explain why he's doing what he's doing. SEND JIM BACK TO OLYMPIA PLEASE. 

Carolyn Crain and Lisa Ross are just WRONG for the 49th, a district that votes 70% Democratic. Carolyn needs to season herself by serving on advisory and community boards rather than going off at the mouth about circle jerking and Rose Quarter traffic woes (as earnest as she is), while Lisa Ross is the GOP red herring put in by County party folks to oppose her and advance Madore's weaselly windmill tilting. 

Again, JIM MOELLER for Seat 2, 49th District. He's our man. 

Assessor - Peter Van Nortwick
Auditor - Greg Kimsey
Clerk - Deanna Pauli-Hammond
Prosecutor - Tony Golik 
North County EMS Levy - YES
Yacolt Measure 1 - YES

Treasurer - Lauren Colas. Its high time Doug Lasher went the way of the dinosaurs. We need efficient and responsive folks at Treasury rather than timid passive-aggressive excuses and employees. Elect LAUREN COLAS and get someone in there who WILL clean house. 

Clark County Commissioner District 3 (west Vancouver): 

CRAIG PRIDEMORE please. Jeanne Harris is a Madore wanna-be who loves to complain. Pridemore, while he's not the loudest voice in opposition to Madore's insanities, is in fact a solid voice of critique and rational light who NEEDS to be on the Board of Commissioners. He's also a champion of fair compromise across the aisle, and can continue the good work of turning Commissioner Mielke aside from the Sith Lord path and back to Jedi ways. Pridemore will carry us through to government under our NEW County Charter effectively and efficiently. 
Madore Elephants Foraging for Red Herrings

Finally, last but not least: SHANE GARDNER for County Sheriff. 

Gardner is the most progressive of the Sheriff's office candidates. He's personable, open to critique, and committed to relieving pressures on our jail and bloated inefficiencies at work crew and with our County probation system. He's a man who is also committed to upping service levels in our now-urban portions of unincoporated Clark County, particularly Hazel Dell and Orchards/Walnut Grove. He's supported by a wide spectrum of sensible and progressive folks on both sides of the aisle. 
Sad Progressive and Liberal County Voter

That's it! Go vote! Thank you. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

More Bridge Thoughts as Posted in The Columbian by Yours Truly

As I stated yesterday to Council: East County Bridge = Madore's shiny object. The fact that y'all are being distracted (including Tyler Graf) by said shiny object - instead of following Vancouver City Council's lead and resisting the siren song of said East End bridge issue - is beyond me. All that glitters at 192nd Avenue and its fancy dance proposed bridge (and has anyone yet followed FIGG's "altruism" back to County offices?) is NOT in fact gold, nor in fact an issue County voters need worry over given we are voting on a new County charter (and upon a YES to new Charter then new Commissioners + elected Executive) come November.

Given only 18% of the electorate actually voted in our County last November (and said YES to a Westside bridge by 56% as well) equalling around 30,000 votes in favor of either/both proposed crossings), the Commissioners (who again may not be here come a YES vote on new Charter) hardly have a mandate for to distract us with said shiny object (and Tyler, doing the math before typing the article mightve been wise - I'm sure you were also at the Council meeting yesterday AM....I didn't see you?)

Anyways, all this flutterbudgetedness (including bridge advocates' strange fascination with telling Commissioners about what "bad bad people" Portland Metro government officials, Trimet, and Portland City folks are, as well as carrying on about Portland-based traffic woes) over a) smoke and mirror issues such as Madore's new SE 192nd bridge folly, and b) issues that County Council has no control over, such as Portland traffic fixes, = TILTING at windmills.

Windmill Tilting by Bridge Supporters

I'll add this to my Columbian comments: I find it really bizarre that I speak before Council at five separate points during yesterday's mega-hearing marathon, and yet get NO mention whatsoever in The Columbian. Not that I mind. I have a feeling Lou Brancaccio's a bit irked at me ever since I reported his "Dont Do Stupid Stuff" mugs weren't locally printed/made, but instead come from China to The Columbian's offices, and either way it doesnt get me down (PS to Lou and Tyler Graf: KPTV doesnt seem to have an issue with quoting me). 

I also find it bizarre that County Council continues to indulge bridge supporters by extending them time to speak during non-bridge related public comment periods (ala Carolyn Crain and "gut you like a fish" man, I forget his irrelevant name, who got 7 MINUTES to ramble on about mean mean Portland, dirty dirty TriMet, and evil gullible little C-Tran). The tendency of speakers before Council to ramble on about issues County Council has NO CONTROL OVER (Portland traffic at Rose Quarter) is also strange. While I have the utmost respect for Commissioner Mielke (who was of GREAT help to me on unrelated matters yesterday), you'd think that a Commissioner interested in hearing ALL sides would KEEP folks ON POINT during public comment. Ah well. 

I am, along with yall, eager for Madore and his lemmings at FIGG and elsewhere to SHOW US the money - what funds will pay for the new bridge that you and I, decent Clark County citizens, will have to pay for? Bonds? New fees? Maybe developers aren't gonna get a holiday anymore? And for that matter, how is it Commissioner Mielke can tell me the County budget is "doing just fine" when they've been already hit with so many blows (ala lawsuit settling, ala increased general fund and jail expenses) and can "afford" to pay for a shiny new object (said proposed bridge) out of pocket? Has no one checked over with Lasher and Kimsey yet? I remember Barron noting Council's current finances would leave us 10-15% in deficit by end of 2014. Did Madore donate some of his Money Bin millions on over to the general fund or to new proposed bridge?

Also...who is Minneapolis based FIGG Engineering and what's their connection personally and professionally to Commissioner Madore (who has been extolling their virtues all Catholic like all year long)? Where's all that money going to and from? Why can't local engineering firms offer "unsolicited" bids? I doubt FIGG is doing this from the goodness of their hearts. Mayor Tim Leavitt: you're a civil engineer, if I recall. Is said bridge proposal beyond Vancouver engineering talent's ken? Please comment if you could. 

Taxidermied Weasel - Posing for New Bridge?

Oh - one last thing - KUDOS to Mayor Leavitt (looking sharp and snazzy handsome on KOIN 6 last night) and the rest of Vancouver City Council for saying NO NO NO to Madore's bright shiny weasel object - the propsed new East County bridge. City Council refuses to connect said new bridge to SE 192nd Avenue - a city owned street. It's refreshing to see an open and honest, and polite, governmental elected body saying Madore's buck STOPS HERE.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Public Hearing This Morning July 29 2014 Ten AM at County Building on Proposed E 192nd Ave Bridge to Portland - Be There if You Can!

Madore, and his partner in idiocy Commissioner Mielke, are at it again. 

This time, said commissioners - both active proponents of a new cross-Columbia bridge between Prune Hill at SE 192nd Ave and East Portland (181st/Airport Way) - are busy arranging a "public hearing" on said proposed bridge, this morning, 10 am, at the County Building (13th/Franklin, Vancouver). 

While I don't want to get started on the sheer shenanigans and wool-pulling-over-eyes said folks are committing by holding a "public hearing" on this very important hoo-ha at 10 AM (in middle of workday), nor get started on the sheer hoo-ha of an East County bridge that lacks solid funding in the first place, I do want to look at some facts Madore isn't saying: 

-There is NO solid funding for said bridge. Madore and Mielke want to issue $850 million in County bonds to pay for it. Without County-wide vote. 

-Said bridge crosses a state line, goes through a federal wildlife refuge (Government Island/Lemon Island), and would involve the cooperation of Portland Metro government, Portland City Council, Vancouver City Council, the Coast Guard, and both Oregon and Washington legislatures. None of said support is there, and Vancouver's City Council is actively opposed to said bridge. Keep in mind the bridge needs Vancouver's cooperation to connect to city roads (SE 192nd Ave). 

-Said bridge does NOTHING, according to traffic studies, to relieve I-5 traffic. It takes 1/2 of one lane of rush hour traffic off Interstate Bridge, and one lane of traffic off 205 bridge. 

-Said bridge does NOTHING to relieve the real traffic issue with the Interstate Bridge: giant semi trucks headed to/from Port of Portland, Port of Vancouver, and points north, south, and east on freeways; also does nothing to relieve the MAIN commute of folks going to/fro Camas semiconductor plants and Washington County Silicon Forest concerns (Nike, Hewlett Packard, and the like). 

What does this proposed and unfunded new bridge do, you ask? It directly connects Commissioner Madore's home, near Livingston Mountain, to Portland. It also gets employees of US Digital (Madore is CEO) closer to their headquarters on 136th Ave. While I'm all for said folks getting more quickly to and from work, and find it sad that Madore and kin can't quickly get to Portland shopping or airport, I just don't think this bridge is what Clark County needs at this time. A red herring, even when tied up with pretty bows, is STILL a red herring. Even The Oregonian, in today's editorial on this hoo-ha, knows just that. And you gotta get up pretty late in the day to get their attention to north-of-river doings. 

I'll be at this morning's bridge hearing to say just this to the Commissioners. I hope y'all will join me and tell Madore to take his nonsense ELSEWHERE. 


TOWN HALL MEETINGS NOW, and Straight Talk from Council on Oil Terminal + Waterfront Pearl

As I think the Vancouver City Council knows from their comments at last night's Citizens' Forum (where Council + Manager Holmes sit around a semi-circle like the Oracle at Delphi, only without the gauzy dresses, blindfolds, or sulfurous fumes, listening to us speak our minds), its clear Council needs to take their show on the road - although they should leave the weasel and his Bearded Lady at home (Madore + Benton). 

I am firmly with Stephanie Turlay on the matter of Council holding town halls all around the town. In fact, I'd like to see Council sitting around say, Vancouver Mall, just chit chatting with us "just folks": - maybe saying "hi" to Rocky the Parrot? Council should consider very INFORMAL town halls - something along the lines of speed dating, where we get to know them better. Yeah, I know Council gets out and about. A formal meet and greet, even if Council and Manager sit around in comfy chairs with us and chit chat about our needs (and Council is properly compensated for its time) ensures we get our word in and hear it direct from Council's mouth - rather than rumor and misinformation. 

Speaking of misinformation - Council needs to hold a town hall STAT on the oil by rail terminal and the "Pearl of Vancouver" waterfront development - and get word out on both by Facebook and off the City's home page. 

Its NOT enough to just have info somewhere on Council's homepage, particularly given Tesoro Savage lobbying groups (People for Tesoro Savage) are sending slanderous mailers out about Council's choice to oppose oil by rail. Council and Manager Holmes need to JUMP in front of this issue and make sure us citizens KNOW where the buck stops in Vancouver. 

2x a year for regular town hall meetings plenty. Excepting emergencies like oil by rail. 

C'mon in City Council - the water's fine!


PS this email is a public post at O Vancouvria!,

Monday, July 28, 2014

City Hall/Esther Short wi-fi

Anne, Eric (and the rest of the City Hall crew), Lee (and the Downtown Association,  

Why can't Esther Short Park and the Vancouver City Hall plaza have better wireless in and around the building? 

I tried, with no avail, on both my Android phone and my laptop, to connect to the "Vancouver Wireless Zone" and the "vanctr-public" networks this morning. Got only ONE bar for the Vancouver Wireless Zone sitting RIGHT next to City Hall. Got a better signal in Propstra Square (where the salmon clock tower is), but still couldn't connect - it doesn't like either of my IP addresses, apparently. 

I realize this rant may seem like a nitpick. However, Bend (population 80K) has extensive free public wireless Internet coverage through all of its downtown, Mirror Pond/Drake Park, and the Old Mill District - covering over 3 square miles. 

You would think that a city that aspires to have a creative "Silicon Alley" area of graphic designers, programmers, and other hip Internet folk on Main Street, and a city who is STRIVING to fill its as-yet-unpaid-for Convention Center/Hilton Hotel, would WANT to get a better wireless network downtown. Given as many festivals as y'all fill Esther Short Park with, you'd also think you'd want this as a boon to tourism and commerce downtown. 

So - I'd like to hear from City Hall as to what y'all are doing to address this problem. I'd like to hear from Vancouver's Downtown Association as to what steps y'all are taking to WORK with City Hall to increase wireless coverage downtown. I don't need a lot. But a stronger signal, especially in Esther Short Park, would help US all as we make our way in the world. 

I'm sure y'all are working on solutions. Let's hear 'em. 

Thank you!

PS - Be aware this email constitutes a public post to O Vancouvria!, 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Back from Summer Vacay Break, and Better Than Ever!

Folks and loyal readers of my lil ol' blog: YES, I am back from my summer hiatus to Klamath Falls, Tacoma, and Bend (and points in between), and ready to dedicate the full force of my gaze to Clark County and Vantucky political shenanigans, idiocies, highlights, and lowlights. In particular, full spotlights on Madore's Folly (the new East County bridge), Ed Barnes and how he plays well with others on Council, passage of the NEW CHARTER (and where is said Charter campaign?), downtown Vancouver's ongoing blossoming, public park toilets in Vantucky parks, and other intrigues from both County and City Council. We hit the sweet spots, smear the palate cleansers, and give bitter tonics to those in need. 

Look to O Vancouvria! to investigate the quirks, nooks, and crannies YOU need uncovered. Look to me to NOT sweep Couver trash under your nice rugs. Read, comment, laugh, and share O Vancouvria! today!

IGNORE DAVID MADORE and His Three Ring Circus of Lemming Lies

  • Yawn. Why anyone in our old Vantucky home gives two hoots about Madore's wacky tabacky pipe dreams in the sky, rather than focusing on passing a new Charter, or getting good candidates lined up to knock his sorry butt out of office, is beyond me. Y'all sure are giving him way more attention than he deserves, and its attracting more energy to him and his three-ring circus.

  • Remember, Madore was elected on 34% of the vote. If Dems hadn't run Brittain (a big mistake) and supported Boldt instead, we wouldnt be dealing with his insanity seeming to affect everyones' lives. Instead, he's become the Big Bad Wolf because we're all scurrying around to counter whatever badness he spouts off. IGNORE the lemmings headed for the cliff, and focus on the future. Which will be w/o David Madore in office.

  • NOW is NOT the time to sweat over bugaboo fears about what Madore might do, what he might not do, what he might say - what he might build. The more energy you give this man in your life, the bigger his swollen melon-head gets. Ignore him, and work for actual positive sea changes (like a YES vote on the new County Charter) in Clark County. 

Monday, July 7, 2014


I'm real tired of people in Vantucky politics who enjoy rewriting history and facts to suit their own ends, on both sides of the aisle. Case in point: having to block someone this morning for telling me my own city voted no on light rail and bus rapid transit (we voted 68 and 62% in Vancouver, respectively, for them on the 2013 fall ballot). Chuck Green, you have my empathy, and sympathy today. Rooting for you and bus rapid transit. Let's get this show on the road already.

(oh, and those of you who lie about what ACTUALLY happened to suit your own philosophies: LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS TO YOURSELF. This is MY BLOG, not yours). 

Sunday, July 6, 2014


We voters of Vancouver said YES to Bus Rapid Transit on 4th Plain Blvd by raising our sales tax within city limits to pay for it last year. Its TIME to use all that money at get BRT going on 4th Plain - relieve congestion, help out an economically distressed area, and get folks quickly across our fair Vantucky.

If the Board votes NO (and I am knocking wood this won't happen), I hope that C-Tran, rather than just leaving the money in reserves, expands bus service within the boundaries of those who voted YES on this fine project. I'll follow up with this one, mark my words.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Calling on Our Folks in Oly to Change Local Initative + Referendum Laws

Just learned that cities in our state, like Vancouver, can completely disregard initiatives filed by their citizens, even if filed properly with all required signatures (in Vancouver's case, currently around 4.5k citizens, or 15% of votes in Mayor Leavitt's last election).

I hear folks who govern our Vantucky, such as City Attorney Ted Gaithe, are using this law to full advantage to deny the ballot for peoples' initiatives they dislike.

I call on Senator Ann Rivers and Representative Jim Moeller to change this initiative law next session in Olympia, and give us Vancouver voters some relief, and the ability to change things.

Happy Independence Day all. Remember, this email constitutes a post on my blog, O Vancouvria!, Please hit "reply all" when responding and let some sunshine in. Thank you.

And the Wagon Circling from Clark County Citizens for Good Governance Continues....

You'd think for folks who "dont give two hoots" about activist Robert Dean, or Bryan Wray's letter to him, wouldn't go ahead and give me 8 paragraphs of defensive maneuvering and "pot calling the kettle black" crud. My land!

Full text below from Ron Goodman at Clark County Citizens for Good Governance, from Facebook. Happy 4th!

  • Ron Goodman A question was raised on Twitter: Did Madore remove all of Betty Sue Morris's posts, too? Yes, look at his June 14 post and you will see him continually addressing a Betty Sure who isn't there. Could this be a sign of mental illness? Is he the modern MacDore,, arguing with Banquo's ghost?
  • Shea Michael Anderson So...Temple, Ron, and Jim - where does this leave Bryan Wray's nasty open letter to Robert Dean? Still haven't gotten a straight answer out of anyone involved with C3G2 except from Chuck Green, who informed me already that Madore's just a mean, mean, mean man. Which we know already. Are y'all circling the wagons, or what?
  • Shea Michael Anderson Madore blocked me as a "fifth element Portland commie pinko" (his words) over a year ago. Honestly, this isn't anything we didn't already know - and I'm surprised that anything nasty he does surprises anyone in opposition to him anymore. Let's move on and get a new Charter passed in the fall with an active campaign please.
  • Ron Goodman As you say, Shea, we should be moving on and getting a charter passed, which quite a number of us are involved doing. Bryan's post to Dean is personal between the two and has little to do with this group as it is not from the group and was posted on Dean's page, at which point he broadcast his shame far and wide by reposting it everywhere he could. The run-up involved Dean's prolonged whining, also whereever he could, about not being admitted to the group, calling us deranged - that's a credible way to influence a group you want access to - and more. Frankly, a guy who thinks dredging up some claim that Al Gore groped a Portland massage therapist and another about Neil Goldschmidt's sexual misdeeds is a valid argument about anything we talk about simply has no place here. We have numerous conservative voices in the group, but they don't serve up tripe. Frankly, I have blocked Dean because I don't have the stomach for tripe, and I wearied from trying to shuttle through five column feet - 60 column inches of his BS on Madore's page IN ONE POST. Now, I can cut to the chase much faster. In fact, now Madore's posts are practically devoid of comments. But I will still be paying attention to what he posts, because someone needs to counter the propaganda machine with authoritative facts, context, and perspective, and that's what I do.

    Here's what Bryan wrote:
    I want you to know that I don't hate you. Not by a long shot. And you're absolutely entitled to say whatever you want. It's the internet. That's what it's for. But honestly, truly... Please understand that Clark County has no idea who Robert Dean is. And they don't want to. I wholeheartedly believe your time would be better spent impacting your local community.

    It's not nasty, Shea. It's honest. I would have said the same or similar, in fact, I did - happened to be the same day, only mine was first:
    Robert Dean laments he hasn't been let into our open group, as he claims, " I am always open minded and respectful - never belligerent or obstreperous"

    On the other hand, I'd view someone who clogs up content with over 60 column inches - 5 feet - of commentary as on this 'almost nothing' post as 'obstreperous,' and scarcely call his charges regarding "directors of the various local non-profits and compare them to say the signers of the Quisling Letter that wanted Oregon to toll us" respectful. I'd also consider this claim as fringe: " I know that there is a cabal of people and interests that will willingly send the rest of us bankrupt so that they might personally profit," especially when considering what follows it: "Who are they? Take a look at the names of the members of your David Madore Derangement Syndrome Facebook group Clark County Citizens for Good Governance."

    Yes, folks, there is some derangement going on, but its not within the confines of this group, which is why we are 'open' but discriminatory: we are NOT the government and have privileges of private association. With 500+ members, we clearly don't discriminate based on race, religion, gender, orientation, age, party affiliation, or philosophical persuasion. We are Republican, Independent, Democrat, Libertarian, conservative, and progressive, agnostics, atheists, and true believers, but we draw the line at obstreperous. We also value people's time and don't have 'contributors' who consume all the oxygen. Which is why I have nothing more to say about this post.
    We're not pirates, and we're not deranged, and we're not part of a cabal, and the guy who make all these wild-haired claims will remain forever outside looking in.

    Now, let's get that charter passed.
  • Shea Michael Anderson Ron - go view the whole letter on my blog, rather than snippets. Let alone giant 8 paragraph replies to me. Then tell me what you think of it. For someone who has "nothing" to say, sounds like you have quite a bit to tell.
  • Shea Michael Anderson Also (as you can read on my blog) I dont edit comments at all. Nor do I think C3G2 folks are some sort of cabal, pirates, whatever.
  • Ron Goodman Movin' on, Shea, like you said.
  • Shea Michael Anderson Great. Go read the WHOLE Wray letter first before you judiciously edit on here. Yeah, Robert's abrasive. In fact, I usually disagree with him. And you're well aware I'm not anywhere near Madore's pocket. What I wonder is why all this energy being spent defending Bryan's vitriolic and nasty letter - seems to me there's more than meets the eye here.
  • Ron Goodman Boiled down - I think the message is, I'm not going to waste my time reading your stuff, and I think you ought not waste your time writing it. 'Nuff said.
    1 min · Unlike · 1
  • Shea Michael Anderson And believe you me, I'm busy working on my next job steps, helping my aunt with her lavender farm for the summer, keeping up my garden consulting/teaching biz, and focusing on getting Porta Potties in the parks - in addition to making inquiries into anyone focused on shutting folks down.
  • Shea Michael Anderson Good deal. Don't you worry in that case. Just keep putting your head in the sand and pulling "pot calling kettle black" fouls on the opposition.

Shea Michael Anderson
Owner, The Sacred Garden
Blogger, O Vancouvria!
12514 SE 10th St, Vancouver WA 98683

Bryan Wray, Lets Get a Response Here


Yes, Robert's abrasive - and cumbersome. Yes, he lives far away. He does own property here, he's from here - and to be quite frank, I think he's spending much more of his time worried about Hurricane Arthur, enjoying retirement, and handling his property business from afar - rather than "hunched over his computer" as you say in your letter.

Its nice that 600 folks visit Compass Coffee every day. Ive had coffee there in fact (I prefer Torque, alas). However, I dont think it really matters that those 600 folks know you personally, as opposed to hearing of Robert, me, or Commissioner Madore (for that matter). What matters is that a group dedicated to open honest government and communication about how best to achieve said government in Clark County be OPEN to everyone - regardless of how abrasive they are. As far as I can tell, Robert doesn't take politics personally - whereas you seem to have this idea that he's scheming from South Carolina about how best to foil your plans to be "king" of the Clark County Citizens For Good Governance "mountain" - as it were.

Its time to step off your hypocritical vitriolic high horse, where you insult others with hate speech on the one hand and say you "dont hate them at all" with the other. Its time to quit playing banana republic dictator of C3G2 and insist everyone on said group page play by your rules - especially given C3G2 is about reaching consensus on how best to have good, open, honest government.

I have a sneaking suspicion I'll never hear from you. And trust me, I'm not hunched over my computer like a Gremlin either ready to pounce on yours, or Robert's replies. Believe you me, like you (or at least as you say) I have better things to do with my time than write petty-assed letters to activists who apparently "dont matter" in your book. Seems to me though that Robert's got under your skin.

Its admirable that C3G2 folks are at this point circling the wagons and blaming outside parties that have nothing to do with your insulting open letter (like Madore and his idiotic "hate speech" accusations). However, given that you apparently "own" C3G2, its time to step out of the dark and either apologize directly to Robert OR give us all some straight answers on why you think you're king of said C3G2 mountain - let alone why you think its acceptable to send letters like that to folks.

I'm not holding my breath about your reply.

Madore and Wray: QUIT being haters, and drop the hate speech

Commissioner Madore:

Time to QUIT personal attacks on anyone who opposes you. Just because we don't agree with what you're doing doesn't mean its "hate speech" (by comparison, calling me a "parlor Commie Portland pinko" on your public Facebook page last year is also not hate speech). Accusing Betty Sue Morris, Pat Jollota, and the members of Clark County Citizens for Good Government of "hate speech" simply cause they oppose what you and Mielke are doing is just silly.

Let's tone down the personal and get back to the business of governing. Or, in your case, figuring out your golden parachute once the Charter passes in the fall and your time in office (remember, you were elected with 34% of the vote) is up. Appointing Ed Barnes to the District 3 seat is a step in the right direction of CONSENSUS - lets continue that happy trend.

Mr Wray:

You really have no place telling Robert Dean he can't post to Clark County Citizens for Good Governance simply because you disagree with his views. If you're all for open communication and "good government" you need to be open to hearing everyone out - simply telling Robert off and insulting him in a very open and vitriolic letter because you disagree with what he has to say is no way to go about building consensus either.

Your letter, which I've already published in full on my blog - - was EXTREMELY rude. In fact, its sort of a swan song ala "pot calling the kettle black" - especially when you don't have any control over C3G2 other than Facebook ownership - as far as I know, you're not a moderator, or administrator - you're just the man that started said group page online. Your behavior, as far as I've seen, is equal to Commissioner Madore's - neither you nor him are one man bands - nor is Clark County either of yours personal banana republics.

Personally, I think you both should get together in a very small room over some cups of Compass Coffee's excellent toddy and set awhile. Get to know eachother. Scream at eachother and catfight even.

What y'all should NOT do is use your positions as public forums for disgusting personal attacks on anyone who opposes you. Its high time everyone in this County came together to BUILD us up - not tear us down with insults, vitriol, and hate.

This email constitutes a public post on O Vancouvria!, Please hit "reply all" in responding to this email in order to bring everyone's comments out into the light of day. Thank you.

Shea Michael Anderson
Owner, The Sacred Garden
Blogger, O Vancouvria!
12514 SE 10th St, Vancouver WA 98683

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Brandon Vick (Lib.) For US House 3rd District in November

More on this later. I prefer a candidate who wants to get things done over a "yes lady" and a has been.

Although I'd really prefer Marc Boldt to run against Herrera Buetler in the primary. Sigh.

Just Called Hererra Buetler's Office

to ask if our Congresswoman supported the US House GOP suing President Obama this past week. No straight answer-instead, got the typical "I dont know about that, I'm just an intern".

C'mon Congresswoman: YES or NO? Youd think you could leave a cheat sheet for that intern stuck in your Fort Vancouver plushness....poor kiddo.

Straight talk from our "gal in the Capitol" on this matter would be welcome - especially to me, the proverbial independent libertarian (small "l") voter.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hiatus from Vantucky

Until further notice, Im taking a break from O Vancouvria! to help out on my aunt's farm down in Klamath Falls. I hope to be back soon and better than ever.

Keep becoming the city I know you can be, Vancouvria. I have faith in all of you.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Portland Parks Ranger Says "No Trouble" with Porta Potties in Parks

Just heard that from the horses mouth at the Hawthorne Bridge toilet from a parks ranger himself. I assume VPD Comm. Foster can safely recommend Porta Potties as a wise choice for our parks, based on a colleague's referral from the City of Roses.

Convenient Portland Public Toilets

on the West Bank Esplanade at Hawthorne Bridge sure did help me out just now. How convenient would it be if Vancouver provided similar facilities on our own "esplanade" - say at Who Song + Larrys, the Terminal One amphitheater, and somewhere near Beaches?

City Manager Holmes, please step up on this one and be the effective city manager I know you are.

I'll be (gasp) speaking publicly during City Councils July comment period on this issue. $55 per month for one ADA-accessible Porta Potti ain't bad folks. Including insurance.

I can afford the $55 if the City of Vancouver can't.