Saturday, October 11, 2014

More press about jail conditions, from O Vancouvria!

I want all three of you (Sheriff Lucas, Sargeant Neiman, press officer for the Jail, Sargeant Gardner, press liasion officer to the schools and candidate for Sheriff this fall, Prosecutor Tony Golik, and Jim Mains, Gardner campaign manager) to know that I will go to press tomorrow on continued horrific conditions at the Clark County Jail, including: 

-inmates using staples for tattooing in pods, per Deps. Costello and Ragan, and Bond

-inmates having access to Ipad rentals from inside the Jail (using our tax dollars)

-not allowing inmates in holding access to drinking water for upwards of 8 hours (per Dep Ragan)

-deputies (Ragan) blaming inmates for BRINGING black mold with them into the jail (black mold caused by humidity and air conditions, not inmate bacteria)

-lack of County detox, thus putting people sober and clean booked for shoplifting (as I was on Thursday evening) in same holding and pods as people sobering up off drinking binges, crystal meth, IV cocaine use - hence endangering mine, and other sober/clean inmates' safety. Not sure why Clark County Jail can't imitate Hooper Detox Center south of the river, which has been proven to see folks safely into rehab from drug/alcohol use and addiction for 40 years now. 

-lack of Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous meetings in Clark County Jail, thus endangering inmates' recovery from drugs/alcohol and letting out actively using inmates back on Clark County streets

Since NO ONE from the Jail has gotten back to me over my prior article on horrific jail conditions, and since I fully expect to be a guest of your jail for the next five weeks come Tuesday, Oct 14 (my arraignment, I violated one of my conditions of my DUI pre-trial release in shoplifting art pens from Craft Warehouse on Thursday evening), I will let prosecution and the District Court judge know that I fear for my safety in jail from both inmates and jail staff. 

Specifically for Prosecutor Golik's Office (he is cc'ed on this email): 
I do realize that my addiction, which is a disease (per medical science) has come out in the form of shoplifting (its a silly and stupid thing to do to steal art pens). I have already made financial amends to Craft Warehouse, in the form of a money order sent via certified mail, for which I have the receipt and copy of email I sent to their corporate offices. Craft Warehouse refuses to accept my financial offer of amends in this matter. 

I am clean and sober since my DUI booking 20 days ago (Sept 21), and I have AA/NA meeting slips, as well as a clean UA from my primary care physician, to prove it. I have complied with all of my conditions for pre-trial release, excepting my ridiculous thieving of art pens, valued at $40. I offer no excuses for my theft either from my disease of addiction or any other reasoning. I offer this statement ONLY as part of explanation. 

Since NO ONE from the Sheriff's Office has any comment (thank you, btw, for having trustees spray mattresses down with bleach water as part of attempts to prevent flea transmission at a minimum) I am assuming that my safety is now at risk in your overcrowded, badly leaking (and black molding) jail. 

I go to press tomorrow, Sunday, Oct 11, by 5 PM. You have until then to make a statement, both from Shane Gardner's campaign and from the Sheriff's Office itself. I pray you gentlemen will do the right thing and respond with alacrity to these crisis conditions in the Clark County Jail that I, and you all, as taxpayers, pay for. 

Please NOTE that the full text of this email is also being posted to my blog, O Vancouvria!, Your responses to my email will ALSO be posted in full at O Vancouvria!, thank you. 

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