Thursday, October 16, 2014

More Cheese With Commissioner Madore's "NO on Charter" Whine

THIS just arrived in my inbox, courtesy of Charter YES folks: 

 In the last few weeks the opposition has received nearly $75,000 from only three sources: Commissioner David Madore and two of his Tea Party followers, Clyde Holland and Kanati Falls (who joined lobbying forces with tea party activists Lynda and Tracy Wilson in 2013).

Why is one person spending so much money to stop the Charter? Maybe because he knows that this will put an end to the abuse and mismanagement that has allowed him to hire political cronies for key positions, misuse tax dollars without considering the future implications to the County budget and services, and twist the County government to be a bully pulpit for pet projects and narrow ideological interests outside of the County's jurisdiction instead of being focused on the needs of citizens. 
Our campaign is proud to have received donations from hundreds of people across the political spectrum and across the county. Your support today goes directly to helping us amplify our message to voters at this key moment as ballots are arriving this week. Now is the time for action. Make a contribution today and then share this message with your friends and family and encourage them to make a contribution, sign up to volunteer, and VOTE CHARTER YES.
Charter YES Campaign

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