Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Meanwhile, Up at Coyote Ridge Farm

Coyote Ridge Farm, a delightful U-Pick and Eat organic concern nestled in the rolling green hills of La Center, was the scene Saturday afternoon of an enthusiastic and well-attended campaign kickoff for Senator Craig Pridemore (running County-wide for the District 3 Commissioner seat against Jeanne Stewart, weaselly Madore's special lemming-like Republican) and for Bob Dingenthal of Ridgefield (a local boy), running against do-nothing Oompa-Loompa Boehner cheerleader Rep. Jaime Herrera-Buetler (whose office in Fort Vancouver, as readers of O Vancouvria will recall, knew nothing one way or another that the House was even voting to sue President Obama, let alone what H-B voted on it). 

The pinot grigio sangria (with basil, cantaloupe, and cucumber) was crisp and refreshing: much like the candidates and most of the crowd (with a couple notable exceptions who are still hankering for Metro government to fling the CRC squarely into Vancouver's craw, and get us all on the light rail train train). 

From L to R: Former Clinique Gal Jaime H-B; Delavar-the Libertarian-appealing Candidate; Our Man Bob Dingenthal - Look at His Fabulous Hair!!!!! 

I'm pleased to say that after meeting Bob, I'm proud to back his candidacy to send H-B back to the Van Mall Nordy's Clinique counter her and her pearly whites came from. Bob is organized, tan, has just as good teeth as ol' H-B, and isn't distracted by mounds of wet nappies and breastfeeding timetables. Plus Bob's background, in management, and his local status (Ridgefield) means perfect appeal to fiscally conservative yet socially progressive indie voters in Clark County (like myself) who just don't think we need another two years of H-B leading Boehner's three-ring circus around the House floor. Bob does need to reach out to disaffected Tea Party/Libertarian folks in our County - especially ones promoting the removal of "corporate personhood" initiative that looks like it'll be on the state Fall ballot - if he is gonna send H-B packing home to her Prune Hill daycare/McMansion in November. However, he did at least hit a double on all the right progressive notes - meaning his base in Vancouver and urban suburbs (Hazel Dell, Orchards), union strongholds (Longview/Kelso), and among state workers (Tumwater/So Oly) is secure. 

Bob, REMEMBER your bread is buttered to victory in November here in the metropolitan of the 3rd District - Clark County. Don't toe Dem party lines and appeal to folks who are currently holding their noses for ol' Clinique - like those who voted for Delavar. Remember, the Clark County GOP is currently SPLIT down the middle (see "Mielke and Madore on the Rocks" post on here). 

Craig Pridemore Giving Us Voters His Cute Cheeks and Full Attention
Craig, meanwhile, hit it out of the park, and squarely at Madore's nonsense. He also (given its north Clark County, Mielke land) made it clear that he's willing to work with reasonable folks at County (hint hint: this means Commissioner Mielke) to shut down the weaselly windmill-tilting business going on at 13th and Franklin, and sending the goggle-eyed Bearded Lady-like Senator/Director Benton on HOME to his two-pension retirement down by the river. Whatever river that is. 

Senator Director Benton Hard at Work in Olympia

Look for upcoming O Vancouvria! posts in which I sit down with both Bob and Craig and discuss what visions and changes and specifics they'd like to see and do here in Clark County and our ol' Vantucky home. 

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