Tuesday, April 1, 2014

RE: Clean Water Act Fees

Where you been Shea?  By the actions of the previous Board and bad choices of the past sheriff, we are caught paying the bills.  As for Mr. Benton, he just inherited the mess from the last Director.  Are you really that blind or just trying to dog pile on with the nay sayers.  Where do you suggest we get the money?




From: Shea Michael Anderson [mailto:sheaside@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2014 8:48 AM
To: sheaside.imonik@blogger.com; Benton, Don; Madore, David; Mielke, Tom
Subject: Clean Water Act Fees


HOW DARE YOU ALL even consider assessing taxpayers in our County to pay bills for legal issues you folks in County govt created by not obeying the law of the Clean Water Act???

Where do the 3 of you get off? Anywhere? For shame. Not only are Director/Senator Bentons proposals to offload your mess onto citizens heads completely out of line, theyre utterly fiscally irresponsible and punitive to boot. Why not put zoning fees back in and FIRE Benton, for a start, to recoup some of the money?

Yall are leading Clark County to ruin in so many ways, and this is just the latest icing on the cake. Im praying the new Charter flips all 3 of you out on your ears.

PS: Oh, Senator Benton? Im NOT going to remove you from being cc'ed on my blog posts (which this email is). Your corruption needs to see the light of day for what it is.

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