While waiting in line for the downtown Vancouver library to open this morning, I overheard a very angry blotchy-faced man, in summer wear, complaining to a couple different folks on his cellphone.
I normally try not to listen to other peoples' telephone conversations, especially when I don't know them. In this case, however, I overheard two juicy tidbits too good to pass up from you, my readers. Why you ask am I posting about this? Because said individual is a higher-up executive at a Clark County area medical center (as his conversation indicated), and I believe that hospitals should be open to ALL individuals, regardless of color, sex, sexuality, or gender, for both hiring practices and to patients.
What first intrigued me about this man's phone call was his discussion of yesterday's primary. The man asked the person on the other end "if those kinky liberals" won the elections, then went on to say that "all his HIV+ patients" at said medical center would probably be gushingly and disgustingly happy with the results (why yes, we HIV+ Clark County folk, especially us poorer liberal ones, are quite pleased).
I'm not one necessarily to associate liberals with "kinky" actions (let alone sex). That sort of thing, to me, is more reserved for more conservative and closeted folks in our County government and in Olympia, as well as among the business community here and elsewhere (Bearded Lady, anyone?). Hence, this man's phone calls intrigued me - and, as I was standing not five feet away from him waiting for the library doors to open, I continued listening.
What really gets my goat (and folks at area hospitals better be listening real close here - this means you, PeaceHealth and Legacy Salmon Creek) were this man's next comments to someone else on the phone, another higher-up at said area hospital:
"We don't want to hire anyone with hyphenated names - those folks carry too much baggage. They've usually been married 4 or 5 times, and they've never served our country. I don't care what sort of legal actions they threaten, we've got a contingency fund set aside for their (shenanigans)".
I don't know what PeaceHealth or Legacy Salmon Creek's hiring policies are, and I don't really care other than if and when they violate several anti-discrimination laws. This exec's comments (and he is an HIV+ doctor at one or the other of the hospitals) clearly indicate that violation of said laws in one or the other of our two medical centers' hiring practices clearly might be the case. In that case, SHAME on you.
I will continue digging on this one folks. Stay tuned for me to match faces with names. In the meantime, if either of the two hospitals knows who this blowhard is, come clean and confess your sins (since both hospitals are Catholic, y'all know real clear what that means). Bigots have NO place in the medical profession. Period.
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