A couple exciting downtown happenings I noticed when visiting the Farmers' Market and Fort Vancouver beach Saturday:
- the City is to be commended for Hoops on the River, an exciting takeover of Esther Short by basketball-crazed folks all through the park, as well as on W 8th and Columbia. I'd especially like to thank all the hot man-candy that showed up for the basketball playing, as well as the Marines, for my own viewing pleasure. In particular and of more import to Vantuckians, however, is the fact that its just nice to see so many people using our downtown gem of a commons to enjoy themselves. And kudos to Eric Holmes and his events people for things going so smoothly. Nice job.
- the Vancouver Downtown Association, the Sparks family, and Torque coffee are to be commended for the fast-paced renovation of the former Sparks Furniture building, at Broadway and Evergreen, into what will be a lively office/retail block-long space, including a giant new VISIBLE Torque Coffee at what is the MAJOR transfer stop for frequent service C-Tran routes 4, 37/38, and 71. Also convenient to the Vancouver Central Library. Nice work all!
Stay tuned for Thursday's Vancouver Police Department volunteer intrigues - there's more than just no helmet wearing by the police volunteer bike patrol that meets the eye. Waiting on VPD's comment about the situation before we go to press.
As always, read O Vancouvria for the lowdown showdown!
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