Friday, August 29, 2014

Downtown Excitement in Old Vancouver City!

O Vancouvria here, with a light, frothy Labor Day post. 

I'd like everyone to know about all the goings-on downtown this weekend: 
Kumori-Con, Now on at the Hilton

-Kumori-con, a Japanese animation and comics convention at the Hilton. Look for young people in interesting costumes thronging downtown and Fort sites, also looking lost. 

-Vancouver Fest, a free festival of Christian rock music. In Esther Short Park. Look for young earnest people thronging downtown, looking lost and looking to save the lost. 

-Narcotics Anonymous, convening at Red Lion at the Quay (foot of Columbia Street). Be sure to go there if feeling "lost" regarding addictive tendencies or issues. 

As usual, we have the GIANT and FESTIVE Vancouver Farmers' Market, happening at Esther Short Park all weekend long. Go for the free samples and feel lost in the crowd. Or go with a group and enjoy yourselves, whichever of our fine amenities you choose. 

We'll be back Tuesday with new and exciting Vancouvrian intrigues political and otherwise. Stay tuned for the story of the angry C-Tran driver, Bus #1776, who throws full glass bottles at prospective passengers!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Light and Frothy Tuesday at O Vancouvria!

A couple exciting downtown happenings I noticed when visiting the Farmers' Market and Fort Vancouver beach Saturday: 

- the City is to be commended for Hoops on the River, an exciting takeover of Esther Short by basketball-crazed folks all through the park, as well as on W 8th and Columbia. I'd especially like to thank all the hot man-candy that showed up for the basketball playing, as well as the Marines, for my own viewing pleasure. In particular and of more import to Vantuckians, however, is the fact that its just nice to see so many people using our downtown gem of a commons to enjoy themselves. And kudos to Eric Holmes and his events people for things going so smoothly. Nice job. 

- the Vancouver Downtown Association, the Sparks family, and Torque coffee are to be commended for the fast-paced renovation of the former Sparks Furniture building, at Broadway and Evergreen, into what will be a lively office/retail block-long space, including a giant new VISIBLE Torque Coffee at what is the MAJOR transfer stop for frequent service C-Tran routes 4, 37/38, and 71. Also convenient to the Vancouver Central Library. Nice work all!

Stay tuned for Thursday's Vancouver Police Department volunteer intrigues - there's more than just no helmet wearing by the police volunteer bike patrol that meets the eye. Waiting on VPD's comment about the situation before we go to press. 

As always, read O Vancouvria for the lowdown showdown!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Cease and Desist, Oh My!, Plus a Note on Rumors Surrounding Mayor Leavitt's Cigar Club Dues

Clark County Atty Sheldrick - Look at Her Brilliant Toothy Smile!

O Vancouvria! is in receipt of what appears to be a cease and desist letter from Clark County Attorney Emily Sheldrick (located in the Civil Division). I have no plans to open the letter to read it, and will continue to exercise my First Amendment rights as per folks like Kathryn Vaughn Hunt (Doug Lasher's assistant), Elaine Schick (source for Don Benton's sexual passes on teachers), Doug Lasher himself, David Madore, Don Benton (and his bulldog-like assistant Chris Clifford, he of the gangland-murder happy Seattle nightclub Jersey's, as reported on here yesterday) and anyone else I see fit. 

The County doesn't have a good track record with suing folks for slander and libel - nor do County employees. In fact, last time this happened, with Ed Barnes, he became Commissioner Barnes. I have no plans at this time, nor I think ever, to slander my way into County appointed or elected office. Commissioner Anderson is just NOT in my cards - alas. (-;

I just find it curious why Mrs Sheldrick would get all uppity in her PDF letter to me ordering me to cease and desist whatever it is I'm doing. Which is telling the truth, and providing sources for the truth, in order to air the underbelly of the giant Titanic iceberg that is Clark County government. I'd think Atty Sheldrick would be all eager to get everything into the light of day, rather than bulldog her way into my life with nasty letters. But alas, such is Clark County life under the weaselly Commissioner Madore and the bearded lady auspices of Senator/Director Benton, "Our Man In Olympia". 

Rather than resenting or grumbling about Atty Sheldrick's nasty notes, I'm going to pity her for being forced into this position by whomever at County has taken a serious grudge to me - I can think of so many at the County whom we should pity, much like we do with a friend who is "seriously ill" (as the Big Book suggests). I will, however, continue to stand for my First Amendment rights. Sheldrick and County folks should be aware that I have no assets whatsoever to attach to any winnings they may seek at the civil level - unless County wants to own a 1978 dandelion yellow Ford Club Van? Or an aging Dell laptop? I've got a nice pair of Underarmor sweat-wicking undershorts County can have, for all the messes they get themselves into. Worth $50 retail, I hear. other news: we have heard from the "horse's mouth" (as it were) that Mayor Leavitt's cigar club monthly dues, $200 a month, are NOT in fact being paid by the City of Vancouver (as other folks in the County and on Facebook, "Eyes on Liar Leavitt" group, report). Leavitt himself seemed quite bemused when I got word from him about this cigar club brouhaha late last night, as did Councilmember Anne McEnerny-Ogle, who noted, and I quote, "I highly doubt it (City paying for Leavitt's cigar habits)". 

As a side note, I also learned last night that The Columbian, specifically political reporter Stephanie Rice and editor Lou Brancaccio (can't ever remember if he publishes the paper or not), have full access to my personal Facebook messages and emails to City Council. Yes, I could order the City to give me all their email communiques too - just like the bulldogs over at The Columbian. However, I like to play nice with people, rather than bulldoze my way into a story. Councilmembers and City government folks, as well as other government and political folks, interested in talking with me (and avoiding The Columbian's Sauron-like Great Eye) can call me direct: 360 991 5206. Or text - so I know who you are. 

Finally: The Columbian is now aware that Lou Brancaccio took information from this blog, concerning my post that Governor Inslee has final say over oil by rail in Vancouver, and used it in his column about Governor Inslee's visitation to Vantucky, for the School of the Deaf graduation ceremony, without attributing it to O Vancouvria!. Herm...curious to hear straight from horses' mouths over at The Columbian as to why Lou would do such a thing. But not resenting. Just more pity for sick folks. Who should get well. 

Praying for wellness, 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Charter Charter, Who Wants a New County Charter?

O Vancouvria! attended last night's Charter YES! campaign kickoff event, at Green Meadows Golf Club in Vancouver's lovely Walnut Grove section. While we're going to hold off on our Charter thoughts for now, it was nice to see all the happy faces on both sides of the aisle - progressive, liberal, conservative - all out for a new County Charter (we haven't had a change in County governing structure since our founding in 1855). 

Nan Henriksen
 Nan Henriksen, the graceful and sensible former Mayor of Camas, kicked things off with a succinct speech detailing why folks should favor the Charter - specifically, the checks and balances giving equal weight to urban and rural, as well as checks and balances, such as a separate County Executive and County Administrator, and powers of initiative, recall, and referendum, that the new Charter calls for. 

Joe Zarelli and Temple Lentz
 Conservative Joe Zarelli and progressive maven Temple Lentz graced the stage following Henriksen, giving us clear and forceful reasons why folks should vote YES on the Charter come November. It was interesting to see politicos in favor align in the room at Green Meadows: everyone from Byron Hanke to Temple to Jim Mains to Betty Sue Morris to Sheriff Lucas was present to support the new Charter, and word on the street is that Commissioner Tom Mielke is also in favor. 

All and all, a home run for Charter YES! folks last night - a strong, on point message, with a clear concise marketing. A launch, as it were. 

Temple Lentz had this to say about last night's festivities, and the campaign: 

"What a great turnout! The room was packed with people from both sides of the aisle and all parts of the political spectrum. It's clear that our community is ready to strengthen our county government, make it more accountable to the people, and have a real voice in how we move forward."


Meanwhile, Charter NO folks are in a conundrum about their message. Christian Berrigan of the Charter NO campaign indicated the committee wasn't meeting til August 21 to decide on "various resolutions" for the County Voters' Guide (said message is due in to County Elections prior to August 21). 

Carolyn Crain
However, there's a bright spot that Charter NO folks highlighted: Carolyn Crain has put together what she calls a "fabulous" video presentation to show folks why a new Charter is a BAD IDEA. No word yet on when said presentation will be viewable by the public, but I for one can't wait to hear and see what Carolyn has to say on video about the subject!

Specifics on Benton and Madore's Malingerings at County - From Several Inside Sources

O Vancouvria! has been chit chatting alot lately about what we see as Commissioner David Madore's weasel-like actions, and his use of Senator/Director of Environmental Services Don Benton's "bearded lady" Olympia and local strong-arming tactics. However, we realize that some of you might be saying "yes, so what? We KNOW they're corrupt - why beat a dead horse?"

So, here's some proof, from inside County sources, on a couple strange things Benton and Madore have done. I'll give one example with two sources for Madore, and two examples for Benton (along with one for his glamorous assistant, Chris Clifford, Program Coordinator for DES). 

Madore (and this was confirmed just last night by a couple folks in Clark County officialdom) has been busy promising favors to his consituents. 

To wit, he mentioned to Doug Lasher's aide-de-camp (who shall remain nameless at this time), in front of Treasurer Lasher, how appalled he was about his constituents who were being attacked by Treasury for back property taxes owed. Specifically, Madore told Lasher's assistant (in front of Lasher), "just send 'em (his consituents) on over to me, I'll take care of it (their tax troubles)". Not sure quite how a phone call to Madore and his good offices takes care of a problem not even involving County Council oversight (Treasury is independently elected). However, I suppose slippery hands grease wheels - or votes, as in this case. 

And yes, I have heard this info firsthand from said Lasher aide-de-camp. I know her well. 

As for Benton, we have two intriguing examples. The first one comes to us via the Legislative Ethics Oversight Board in Olympia, where a formal complaint is on the books about Deputy Majority Leader Benton "cussing and screaming" at another senator, on the Senate floor, during session. You can contact Oly and read it in black-and-white, folks. 

The second examples comes via the horses' mouth from a food educator here in Clark County, who visited Benton in his Olympia digs a few years back with fellow educators as part of a "meet and greet" tour. She noted Benton's front was "splotched" with bits of food, and he licked his lips while trying to grope one of her fellow educators. I firmly believe the veracity of said source - a once close friend of yours truly - and find it sad that such antics should play themselves out in Oly offices. 

As for Chris Clifford, Benton's "aide de camp", its clear from a quick Google review of his name (and various Seattle Times articles) that Clifford, who used to own a sordid nightclub called "Jersey's", in Seattle's Pioneer Square district, before moving down to grace our County with his presence, has been in hot water many times with Seattle Police's gang enforcement and drug squads over drug use, gangland murders, and rapes at said nightclub. All in black and white. I'm not shocked Benton would hire Clifford to come on down to "help out" with County enviro issues (like using tax dollars to insert pro-Benton Waste Management flyers in our bills), given that he and Pam Roach (a former state senator whom Clifford used to work for in Oly) are close. Seems like Clifford needed Vantucky's cool cover to escape the "heat" of running a Seattle gangland mecca? I don't know. 

So there you go. In black and white. Unimpeachable sources. Let's bear witness to the insanity by specifics, folks. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Meanwhile, Up at Coyote Ridge Farm

Coyote Ridge Farm, a delightful U-Pick and Eat organic concern nestled in the rolling green hills of La Center, was the scene Saturday afternoon of an enthusiastic and well-attended campaign kickoff for Senator Craig Pridemore (running County-wide for the District 3 Commissioner seat against Jeanne Stewart, weaselly Madore's special lemming-like Republican) and for Bob Dingenthal of Ridgefield (a local boy), running against do-nothing Oompa-Loompa Boehner cheerleader Rep. Jaime Herrera-Buetler (whose office in Fort Vancouver, as readers of O Vancouvria will recall, knew nothing one way or another that the House was even voting to sue President Obama, let alone what H-B voted on it). 

The pinot grigio sangria (with basil, cantaloupe, and cucumber) was crisp and refreshing: much like the candidates and most of the crowd (with a couple notable exceptions who are still hankering for Metro government to fling the CRC squarely into Vancouver's craw, and get us all on the light rail train train). 

From L to R: Former Clinique Gal Jaime H-B; Delavar-the Libertarian-appealing Candidate; Our Man Bob Dingenthal - Look at His Fabulous Hair!!!!! 

I'm pleased to say that after meeting Bob, I'm proud to back his candidacy to send H-B back to the Van Mall Nordy's Clinique counter her and her pearly whites came from. Bob is organized, tan, has just as good teeth as ol' H-B, and isn't distracted by mounds of wet nappies and breastfeeding timetables. Plus Bob's background, in management, and his local status (Ridgefield) means perfect appeal to fiscally conservative yet socially progressive indie voters in Clark County (like myself) who just don't think we need another two years of H-B leading Boehner's three-ring circus around the House floor. Bob does need to reach out to disaffected Tea Party/Libertarian folks in our County - especially ones promoting the removal of "corporate personhood" initiative that looks like it'll be on the state Fall ballot - if he is gonna send H-B packing home to her Prune Hill daycare/McMansion in November. However, he did at least hit a double on all the right progressive notes - meaning his base in Vancouver and urban suburbs (Hazel Dell, Orchards), union strongholds (Longview/Kelso), and among state workers (Tumwater/So Oly) is secure. 

Bob, REMEMBER your bread is buttered to victory in November here in the metropolitan of the 3rd District - Clark County. Don't toe Dem party lines and appeal to folks who are currently holding their noses for ol' Clinique - like those who voted for Delavar. Remember, the Clark County GOP is currently SPLIT down the middle (see "Mielke and Madore on the Rocks" post on here). 

Craig Pridemore Giving Us Voters His Cute Cheeks and Full Attention
Craig, meanwhile, hit it out of the park, and squarely at Madore's nonsense. He also (given its north Clark County, Mielke land) made it clear that he's willing to work with reasonable folks at County (hint hint: this means Commissioner Mielke) to shut down the weaselly windmill-tilting business going on at 13th and Franklin, and sending the goggle-eyed Bearded Lady-like Senator/Director Benton on HOME to his two-pension retirement down by the river. Whatever river that is. 

Senator Director Benton Hard at Work in Olympia

Look for upcoming O Vancouvria! posts in which I sit down with both Bob and Craig and discuss what visions and changes and specifics they'd like to see and do here in Clark County and our ol' Vantucky home. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Yesterday's Primary Results

I couldn't be more pleased with yesterday's primary results. Yes, some Dem candidates were not in the lead - neither were plenty of GOP folks. 

Shane Gardner and Mike Briggs both made impressive showings, lets hope the other two candidates get behind Shane for the general. Mike Briggs in the meantime appears to have the 18th District locked in, thanks to his excellent on-the-ground campaigning - but needs to reach out to disaffected GOP folks more (given the even split between the incumbent and the GOP challenger). 

Looks like Liz Pike hit the ground running in the 18th too, whomping Maureen Cunningham. 

It intrigues me that Jaime Hererra-Buetler's two opponents (on the left and the Tea Party right) combined got more votes than her. Can Delavar combine forces with Dingenthal? Bob Dingenthal, you gotta move more to the right in order to best H-B out of office come November. Step it up. 

Monica Stonier is another person who needs to step it up here in order to retain office this fall. Perhaps she can ally with some of the more libertarian folks in the 17th, given Rockhold's 10% showing on that ticket for the 17th's other seat? C'mon Monica, not another squeaker. My tummy can't handle it. 

Jim Moeller and Sharon Wylie whomped their opponents in the 49th - no surprise there. Sad Carolyn Crain didn't survive the primary, it wouldve been fun to hear what County GOP does in reaction to her loveliness. Here's hoping Carolyn continues to tilt at windmills - maybe run for weasel-like Madore's seat? Please? It'd be oh so fun. 

Thrilled District 3 residents retained good sense and gave Craig Pridemore the nod for Commissioner, 12 points above Jeanne Stewart. Jeanne - distance yourself from Madore and you may find District 3 more your liking. Craig - get more strident against Madore, same advice. 

Deanna Paulli-Hammond has got to STEP IT UP to be County Clerk, thankful there's a fall rematch. Same thing with Lauren Colas for Treasurer - its clear Treasury under Lasher has lost its way and moral compass, and is overzealous in nitpicking for pennies. Waste of our dollars to go after those itty-bitty cents. 

I'm pleased voter turnout was 22% as of this morning - above last fall's general election (18%). Lets get this number up to a THIRD of voters for November, please? At least? I'd like our NEW COUNTY CHARTER TO PASS!

Overheard at Vancouver Central Library This Morning Regarding Hyphenated Names...

    While waiting in line for the downtown Vancouver library to open this morning, I overheard a very angry blotchy-faced man, in summer wear, complaining to a couple different folks on his cellphone. 

    I normally try not to listen to other peoples' telephone conversations, especially when I don't know them. In this case, however, I overheard two juicy tidbits too good to pass up from you, my readers. Why you ask am I posting about this? Because said individual is a higher-up executive at a Clark County area medical center (as his conversation indicated), and I believe that hospitals should be open to ALL individuals, regardless of color, sex, sexuality, or gender, for both hiring practices and to patients. 

  What first intrigued me about this man's phone call was his discussion of yesterday's primary. The man asked the person on the other end "if those kinky liberals" won the elections, then went on to say that "all his HIV+ patients" at said medical center would probably be gushingly and disgustingly happy with the results (why yes, we HIV+ Clark County folk, especially us poorer liberal ones, are quite pleased). 

  I'm not one necessarily to associate liberals with "kinky" actions (let alone sex). That sort of thing, to me, is more reserved for more conservative and closeted folks in our County government and in Olympia, as well as among the business community here and elsewhere (Bearded Lady, anyone?). Hence, this man's phone calls intrigued me - and, as I was standing not five feet away from him waiting for the library doors to open, I continued listening. 

  What really gets my goat (and folks at area hospitals better be listening real close here - this means you, PeaceHealth and Legacy Salmon Creek) were this man's next comments to someone else on the phone, another higher-up at said area hospital: 

  "We don't want to hire anyone with hyphenated names - those folks carry too much baggage. They've usually been married 4 or 5 times, and they've never served our country. I don't care what sort of legal actions they threaten, we've got a contingency fund set aside for their (shenanigans)". 

  I don't know what PeaceHealth or Legacy Salmon Creek's hiring policies are, and I don't really care other than if and when they violate several anti-discrimination laws. This exec's comments (and he is an HIV+ doctor at one or the other of the hospitals) clearly indicate that violation of said laws in one or the other of our two medical centers' hiring practices clearly might be the case. In that case, SHAME on you. 

  I will continue digging on this one folks. Stay tuned for me to match faces with names. In the meantime, if either of the two hospitals knows who this blowhard is, come clean and confess your sins (since both hospitals are Catholic, y'all know real clear what that means). Bigots have NO place in the medical profession. Period.  

Honey Buckets! NOW Available at Esther Short Park!!!!!

Honey Buckets, located NOW at W 7th Street and Columbia!

I am pleased as punch to write this post regarding the City of Vancouver's new Porta-Potties, located in Esther Short park near the fountains at Propstra Square. As readers of this blog know, I've been advocating for a solution to public peeing and pooing in Vancouver parks all summer long, and I'm delighted that City Manager Holmes and Council have listened to my pleas. 

I personally used said Honey Bucket this morning, and am thrilled to find it CLEAN, with appropriate disinfecting liquid in tank, and with hand sanitizer. I'm sure I'm not the only one breathing a sigh of relief at this long overdue measure to provide park relief. 

THANK YOU Mr Holmes and Council, and City staff, for coming through at Esther Short. Now lets get a couple down by Joe's Crab Shack and Beaches on the riverfront trail, and one at Vancouver Central Park on 4th Plain. Don't stop til there's a perfect park Porta Potty for everyone!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Tesoro Savage Oil by Rail Terminal Changes Their Name - Warm Fuzzies Ensue?

Tesoro Savage oil by rail Vancouver Terminal: a lipsticked piggy pig pig? 

Today's fun topic comes to us courtesy of Vancouver Rising Tide and Coal Free Washington (SW Wash chapter). Herein we have a tale of an oil by rail terminal proposal, once liked by many, with a slick outer coating and snazzy jazz va-jazzles, coming in to little Vancouvria to dazzle us all with the promises of jobs that none of us (given there's no vocational oil-by-rail terminal job training here in Clark County) were gonna ever get. 

The Port loved this proposal, and opened their legs wide to Tesoro Savage's loving embrace. The neighborhood councils loathed them, torturing Tesoro Savage spokespersons with questions about minor things - things like safety of oil traveling by rail through major urban areas and across rickety bridges; things like health effects on sickly and elderly and wee little ones; things like environmental impacts on our river and our wildlife. Little things. 

Little things began to add up. Our folks in Olympia started to have second thoughts and started to speak in opposition to the Tesoro Savage oil by rail terminal. Finally, our folks on Vancouver City Council were told NO waterfront Pearl in Vancouver if YES to Tesoro Savage oil oozes - and said City Council that could stood up to the oily spokespeople and said NO MORE: Vancouver will not just lie down and "take" Tesoro oil "like a man". 

The Port Commissioners seethed, and fought viciously with the City, exposing said waterfront Pearl site open to the public (and homeless encampments) for months and months, arguing about which va-jazzling (waterfront Pearl or oil by rail) was shinier. Tesoro Savage started a "citizens group", out of offices on E 11th St at Broadway (Chamber of Commerce Building), sending us flyers in our mail, telling us that City Council had better just "give in" and give up Vancouver's oil virginity - more precious than gold. Telling us to call City Council and TELL them to spread their legs - just like the Port of Vancouver had. 

The City Council stood firm. And now oil-by-rail in Vancouver is Governor Inslee's decision, and his alone. And Tesoro Savage, desperate to appear the shining oily knight it started out as, has re-branded itself in one last attempt to woo Vancouverites into its bed. 

Tesoro Savage Oil By Rail Terminal is now known as: 


And so it seems that with a little lipstick, the pig keeps on oinking and rooting around in our trashy bits, hoping beyond hope that we'll one day see him as a handsome Prince. 

Thanks to Vancouver Rising Tide for the info. (-: