THRILLED that so many in the Clark County conservative blogosphere are so darned UNHAPPY about goings on in the County - things like Oregon's insistence on light rail, Maria Cantwell visiting The Columbian, The Columbian in general - basically, why things AREN'T going their way.
I'm pleased about this mainly because Clark County doings, and the doings of government at large in our state and nation, are bringing a smile to my face. I'm happy to get OFF my computer, go out and TALK to real people (rather than bitch and gripe at them online), and I see folks are NOT simply angry for the sake of being mad (as our conservative blogger folks are). Rather, folks are energized to change things - and content that our efforts thus far have stymied our continuing County banana republic, have likely brought a halt to Tesoro's oil terminal efforts, and (oh yes) gotten us here in Vancouvria what we voted FOR: bus rapid transit, and NO NEW BRIDGE WITHOUT LIGHT RAIL.
I'm thankful I do get out and chitchat - if I stayed behind my computer all day I'd be buzzing around like a hornet too. We here in real-time Vantucky are fully aware change does not happen overnight, and change takes CONSENSUS - something the conservative County pundits forget, given their over-reliance on M&M efforts to give them goodies by fiat.
My advice to Lew Waters and others? GO TAKE A WALK. Burnt Bridge Creek ain't too far from Hazel Dell, right? Go smell a flower. Breathe fresh air. Talk to folks.
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