Sunday, April 27, 2014

Plastic Bag Ordinance In Vantucky?

Hi Mr. Holmes, Mayor Leavitt, + City Council,

Has Vancouver ever considered banning plastic grocery bags w/in city limits, or charging for them? As yall know, Portland does the former (w/ 5 cent charge for ppr bag) and Seattle (+ other cities much smaller) the latter - usually 5 cents per plastic bag.

I dont know we should ban them outright. But charging a 5-cent fee for plastic bags would only add $ to city coffers, as well as promote sustainable living to outside investors, tourists, residents, and possible residents - as both a PR and environmentally sound idea, its a win-win. And Seattle also charges 5 cents per plastic bag at take-outs + mini-marts (more $ for services).

Some of the take (or possibly Waste Management would donate?) could be used to buy 2 free reusable bags for each city household (as Seattle did). Reusable bags when bought in bulk arent that costly-much cheaper per bag than paying $1 at store (I just got 15 of 'em at Goodwill Outlet for a total of oh, $2.50 maybe?)

Yes, I know the grocers lobby is fighting plastic bag laws tooth and nail. Again, dont think we should do away w/em (theyre great for kitty litter, doggie doo, small garbage can liners). I dont need to remind yall of the enviro hazard their lifespan induces (they last around 500+ yrs avg).

Idk what yall have looked at or are thinking about, if anything. I do think a plastic bag law is easy $ for us that doesnt involve onerous property tax "circle jerking" (quoting Carolyn Crain) nor presents severe hardships on small biz (prices havent gone up in either PDX or Seattle, nor have bag laws put folks out of business). Most ppl have reusable bags already, and they already can only get ppr bags when shopping south of river. Finally, food stamp purchases are specifically exempt from bag fees.

Thanks for listening to my spiel. Yes, I sound off alot-so Im asking yall to pay attention and at least mull it over.


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