Friday, May 16, 2014

Carolyn Crain Has All The Hot Spots

Quick comment on the gigantic Carolyn Crain signs sprouting up all over town - while her supporters enthusiasm, as seen in the HUGE size of her signs, her locations and placement seem, well, flaky - not sure if thats a reflection on Crain's "unorthodox" style.

Anyways, said signs can best be viewed at:

-Columbia + W 21st St - on entire upper half of red house.

-W 15th St + Washington - half hidden by trees on empty lot, w/construction rigs parked next to it.

-Van Plaza Dr @ Target, w/sign facing IN from SR 500...sure to get freeway drivers' attention. Picture included, note sign in far middle background.

One hopes Crain's backers, who include "Daddy Warbucks" Madore, will inject her campaign with slush funds enough to override the good government we in W Vanc have enjoyed under Jim Moeller. Altho I have my doubts...

Waterfront development post delayed til Monday. Thanks.

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