O Vancouvria! has heard back from Heath Henderson, Director of Public Works, and various staff at County Public Works about the lack of NE 68th Street sidewalks between Hwy 99 and the First Congregational Church. If you recall, NE 68th Street going uphill five blocks to the church from Hwy 99 lacks shoulders, sidewalks, and street lighting, with a speed limit of 35 MPH.
Here's a picture, taken by me, of the street in question, so folks can see for themselves:
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NE 68th Street, looking uphill towards First Congregational |
Here's a LINK to the County's own feasibility study as to whether sidewalks can be built on NE 68th Street or not. I'm still waiting for feasibility studies on simpler things, like shoulders, and street lights. Or simply cutting back the vegetation on NE 68th Street so elderly Congregationalist church members and sickly HIV-positive people needing the food bank can walk off the road to get uphill.
Candidates for the County Council's 3rd District seat (currently held by Ed Barnes, who has not yet had any comment about the lack of sidewalks for elderly folks on NE 68th Street) indicated to O Vancouvria! that perhaps a lack of money was to blame - which is in fact exactly what Heath Henderson had to tell me.
I don't have much more to say about this issue at this time, except that gee, perhaps if the County, under Commissioner Madore, hadn't given developers (including ones building along NE 68th Street) a fee holiday to "create jobs" (that haven't been created), then maybe there'd be enough money in the County budget to, I don't know, widen the shoulder along the road to the church?
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The Interstate Bridge, at "Red" Dusk - Showing the Path Communist Infiltration is Taking From Portland |
"Every part of Clark County, including the Vancouver Soviet, voted against the BRT scam. That should be all he (Mayor Leavitt) concerns himself with".
I'm not too worried about what Mr. Hinton has to say regarding our politics here in "old Vancouver City", especially given he has his facts wrong (Vancouver City expressly voted FOR light rail twice, and voted to become a special C-Tran tax district specifically to build Bus Rapid Transit on 4th Plain Blvd by 52 to 48%).
As anyone who rides the Number 4 bus regularly (like I do) to and from Delta Park MAX and Vancouver Mall knows, the 4 bus is invariably late, slow, and crowded - due to it being the main bus line in all of C-Tran's system, as well as the milk run along 4th Plain Blvd, with stops every two blocks. The 4 bus also goes over the Interstate Bridge to Jantzen Beach and the MAX, during rush hour and not. This is not the fault of drivers, passengers, or traffic, and I'll go into issues with the 4 bus in a later post of O Vancouvria!.
It's not even Mr. Hinton's harsh language, referring to Vancouver City as a "Soviet", that bothers me (in fact, the original post where Mr Hinton's comment was made, by Lew Waters, laments that Vancouver, under Mayor Leavitt, has become "more like North Portland"). I'm quite happy, as are many Vancouver citizens, to be turning into more of a North Portland-like area every day (without many of North Portland's glaring problems, like crime).
A Quick Guide to the Vancouver Soviet, showing beach heads we Communists are making in Hazel Dell, Salmon Creek, and Orchards. Note the direction Red infiltration comes from - North Portland! |
Comrades of the Vancouver Soviet, let's come together and make sure the truth, as it happens, sets others free!
Now for the meat in O Vancouvria!'s Sunday potatoes: conservative blogger Lew Waters has indicated to me, in a special aside, that there is a deep split between Madore and Mielke on County Council. Waters, who is in hiding due to, in his own words, "rabid (Ron) Paul activists openly threatening his life", has told O Vancouvria! that Commissioners Madore and Mielke are "at each others' throats". This split, per Lew Waters, is causing the County Republicans to "attack each other like piranhas".
We'll see if these statements of Lew's hold up November 4th, but other sources on the left wing in our fair County have indicated privately to O Vancouvria! that this split may in fact be the case. Furthermore, said sources, who shall remain nameless at this time, indicate to O Vancouvria! that Commissioner Madore, in a fit of pique, has announced his intent to "resign" if the new County Charter, which we vote on this November 4, passes. Signs and polls at this point show that said passage is VERY likely, by 60% YES.
I encourage Commissioner Madore to resign NOW and beat a walloping in the polls. Of course, this could be my own "Red" characteristics (as Madore describes me to others publicly on his Facebook) talking.
O Vancouvria! will be publishing on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays between now and November 4 (Election Day), in order to accommodate interviews with candidates seeking election to local, state, and (hopefully) federal offices here in Clark County. Stay tuned Tuesday for our interview with Deanna Pauli-Hammond, Democratic candidate for County Clerk!
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