Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Lew, Why So Shy?

In my VERY SHORT second post today, I wanna ask Lew Waters WHY his blog site is password-restricted (you have to contat Lew for the password). 

So Lew - there's my ask. Why are you so shy about people reading what you write, especially since I can just Google a topic of my fancy and read what you wrote on your site (you knew that, right)? 

Its not that I want to read what you're writing, but I am curious - especially since I've got nothing to hide on my views here. C'mon...step out into the sunshine for me? 


Not shy, just blocking out the Ron Paul Republican Liberty Caucus idiots that have been smearing me the last week or two because I exposed that email Christian Berrigan sent out to selected people to show them how to create a scene where their opponent would withdraw and demanding it be kept secret.

Seems like the Ron Paul peoples have gone off the deep end. On the other hand, I 

don't mind the conservative folks in Clark County eating eachother like so many 

momma guppies - though I feel bad for Lew, and think local politics is getting way 

too personal (apparently "carp fileting" was mentioned by said folks).

Lew will reopen when said Ron Paul folks come out of hiding and face him like a 

man. I say more power to Lew.

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