From today's Columbian:
Apparently said crude-oil-by-rail shippers were just fined $170K by Oregon's Dept of Environmental Quality for shipping SIX TIMES their legally allowed amount.
Shipping of crude oil by rail through St Johns, up past Scappoose & St Helens, through Rainier, and onto tankers at Clatskanie continues, however, while the shipper appeals the fine.
While Oregon (and Columbia County) can do whatever it pleases regarding allowing crude oil to be shipped by rail (past a nuclear power plant, through relatively large semi-urban populations, and next to sensitive wildlife areas), I find it toothless that Oregon's DEQ is continuing to allow said folks to continue shipping their crude in this manner - given they can't seem to respect their limits in the first place.
I also find it strange (but all too usual) that Salem completely IGNORED concerns not only of folks here (who are fairly vociferous about crude oil by rail) but also swept any mention of said shipments under the Rose City's rug. I can't imagine North Portland residents being all happy-go-lucky knowing highly flammable crude oil, at six times the legally allowed amount, is being shipped by rail underneath their homes (through the St Johns rail tunnel) and across the Willamette. However, given most Portlanders aren't even aware that our Port is planning a giant oil by rail terminal here (just two miles away from them), it does make sense that they're also in the dark about what their own state government is doing.
I do hope that interested Rose City folks stand up and be counted on this one. I also hope that we here in the Couv voice our opposition (such as it is) to crude oil being shipped by rail directly across the river from our homes.
I pray (but don't hold my breath) that Port of Vancouver commissioners realize that once they open the door to Tesoro/Savage's bid, there's no telling what sorts of tricks might waltz on through. Money is to be made here, folks - its a powerful incentive to ignore pretty much everything else, including public safety. I fervently hope City Council holds the line.
Just because Oregonians are foolish enough to allow this sort of nonsense doesn't mean we need to join them in doing so.
Shea Michael Anderson
1923 Harney St, Vancouver WA 98660
360 991 5206, 360 852 7414 (msgs)
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