So I decided the other day, after being unable to get up to a Clark Co Citizens for Good Governance meet & greet (held at a transit-inaccessible location) that I just really was putting way too much effort into a project that only kept my adrenalin humming at a high rate...stress city, from constantly being affronted by what Madore, Mielke, Benton, etc were doing NOW.
Plus I found myself spending alot of time working to get records, reading posts from others, responding with suggestions, etc - alot of time being an activist about an injustice, that, if you really think about it, is going away in about a year. Very short in terms of political time indeed.
So - rather than give myself a migraine (let alone spend time I should be job hunting being an activist), I've decided to let up on local good government activism for the time being. The Freeholders are busy writing us up a new Charter (in theory), that we all get to VOTE on come this November 2014. Signs point to a YES passage - as most County citizens are agreed that we need SOMETHING other than "this" (be they Madoreites or CRC fans). Hence, we shall have new government, more accountable government, very soon.
I believe I can hold my breath (or hold my nose) until then, unless something so blatantly egregious and sinister happens that goes above and beyond the levels of stink already at County government. There's plenty of other folks eager to play watchdog, not to mention the multiple lawsuits facing County recklessness. Hence, I don't need to add to the Greek choir.
I'll support whatever y'all turn up. I just ain't gonna stretch out on a limb no more about it. That's all, y'all.
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