Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tiny House Zoning Sunday, and Downtown Homelessness; O Vancouvria! Chit Chats About the Nuts n Bolts of 18th District Needs, With Candidate MIKE BRIGGS!


This past Wednesday at Hello Vancouver!, host and community activist leader Temple Lentz interviewed, live on stage at the Kiggins Theater, Dee Williams, author of The Big Tiny, a book about her construction of, and residence in, an 84-square foot house, currently located in Olympia. 
Dee Williams and her 84 square foot home

Dee is a lovely and sparkling lady to meet and talk to in person, and I promised to keep Dee updated on my "tiny house" - my 1978 "BIG YELLOW" Ford van, that I was living in until yesterday. Dee was shocked to hear, however, that the City of Vancouver LACKS zoning for "tiny house" construction and dwelling. 

This is an unfortunate oversight on the part of City leaders, given the current scarcity of rental stock and continued high cost of buying homes all over Vancouver City, especially in the more desirable "in-city" areas WEST of Interstate 5 (Hough, Arnada, Shumway, Carter Park, Lincoln, Northwest). Portland, which does zone for "tiny houses", is a leader in this field of living better with LESS - less space, less things, less worries. 

City Manager Eric Holmes and Councilmember Alishia Topper, Vancouver City Council's "go-to" person on housing and homeless issues, had NO COMMENT as of press time today, Sunday, Sept 28. Councilmember Bill Turlay, however, had the following statement to make: 

Yesterday I attended the Healthy Living Collaborative of SW Washington conference at the Hilton.  During one of the breaks, I had a conversation with Andy Silver and posed a similar question to him regarding Portland's "tiny houses" efforts.  He is very aware of their progress; however, he had some observations that might be major impediments.  I'm sure he will share those items with you, but he is certainly the one who has first hand knowledge of the project's major problems.

I cannot speak for the City Manager or the council; however, it should be noted we, as city council members, receive periodic briefings on the homeless problems facing the city and our local community.  I look forward to a "tiny house" project briefing if Portland is successful in their endeavors.  This is an opportunity to capitalize on lessons learned from our neighbors to the south.

Thank you for your concern for the homeless."

Bill's response, as you can read, is very insightful and thoughtful regarding the process of moving towards consensus, with help from community leaders on this issue and outside input from our neighbor to the south, on the "tiny house" issue, as well as the very serious issue of homelessness in Vancouver in general. 

Director of the Council on the Homeless Andy Silver, who had NO COMMENT as of press time for this post, had
spoken to me by phone in May of 2014 about approximate numbers of homeless in Vancouver, following his sit-down for Hello Vancouver! with Temple Lentz that month. Andy indicated to me the following numbers about homeless people in Clark County: 

115 "hardcore" homeless: people sleeping on streets
800-1000 in shelter beds/transitional housing
10-15K (estimated, a rough guess on Andy's part) folks sleeping in cars, on couches, or renting motel rooms/living with relatives

As someone who as recently as yesterday had been living in my van, I find these numbers poignant. What I find more appalling, however, is the lack of sheer will on City Council's part, and on the part of the Council for the Homeless, and on other civic leaders, to do THEIR PART in stepping up efforts. Silver and Vancouver Police have spoken, repeatedly, about the need for "housing first" - simply to alleviate constantly rising emergency room treatment and first responder costs to homeless peoples' medical and criminal crises on the streets. However, Silver said in May that efforts are "very limited to nonexistent" to help quasi-homeless folks (those couch-surfing etc), including NO (as of press time, per Council on the Homeless spokespeople by phone) SAFE PLACES TO CAR-CAMP IN CLARK COUNTY. PERIOD. 

I also find it intriguing that Councilmember Topper, who had again NOT RESPONDED TO ME BY PRESS TIME, has not been more proactive on directing City Manager Eric Holmes to reach out to zoning officials and personnel across the river on "tiny house" zoning. Nor, as Bill Turlay indicated, have any workshops for Council been scheduled.

I CALL UPON THE VANCOUVER CITY COUNCIL TO RECTIFY THIS OVERSIGHT IMMEDIATELY, and meet with their partners from Portland to put "tiny house" zoning regulations into effect - helping to alleviate what is becoming a severe rental availability and price crisis in Vancouver WEST of 136th. I also call on the Council to work with the Council on the Homeless, and other civic groups, to come up with SAFE PLACES for folks to car-camp (if they are orderly, and particularly safe car camping for families). I find it interesting that City Council, with the notable exception of Bill Turlay, and the City Manager both, are sticking their heads in the sand like ostriches on this issue. 

This picture, taken of a homeless couple sleeping in a doorway, in the rain, at W Mill Plain and Columbia Street, should illustrate why these actions are so needful if the above did NOT get my message across: 

homeless in doorway, Mill Plain and Columbia

I sat down with Mike Briggs, Democratic candidate for the Washington House from the 18th District (Camas/Fisher's Landing, Washougal, Battle Ground, La Center), running against Madore-imitator Brandon Vick (GOP) at lovely Cafe Picolo Paradiso in picturesque downtown Camas the other day over coffee to talk "nuts and bolts" with Mike about his views on pressing issues for the constituents he hopes to represent this next year in Olympia. 

Mike, who is a sensible, down-to-earth, approachable guy, actually got started out in life down in this part of the world literally SELLING nuts, and bolts, and other hardware, out of the back of his truck, for a company called "FAS'N-all" (not to be confused with the company Fastenal), on various routes that took him all over NW Oregon and SW Washington. He and his wife Janet have been in Washougal for a while now, and Mike is simply a regular Joe who wants to make a difference in Olympia - think "Mr Smith Goes to Washington", only better looking, and with a more modern wardrobe. (-;

Mike Briggs

Mike had many interesting and insightful things to say on issues affecting 18th District voters, and Clark County folks as a whole. He says, as a "nuts and bolts" kinda guy, that he's "touting himself as a moderate - NOT a party guy, self-educated, middle of the road...(someone) who appeals to (peoples') common sense". Mike, who is very good at getting his common sense points across (such as his thoughts about mass transit and how people move around "changing very radically" very soon - like with our soon-to-be-built "bus rapid transit" on 4th Plain Blvd), finds that he's able to "appeal to most reasonable people". His schtick, very different from Vick's and his House 18th District counterpart Liz Pike's tagline of slickness, is that he just wants to "talk with you". NOT try and hard sell you on things you don't need. Which is needful for 18th District voters, especially those disaffected Tea Party and Libertarian folks who voted for Michael Delavar in the primary. 

I found it really, really funny that K.J. Hinton, conservative Clark County political blogger extraordinaire, has called Briggs "Mussolini Mike" in print (after the Italian far-right Fascist dictator and Nazi ally in WWII). Mike, who is as far from right or left as one can get and still have strong ideas and visions about "first things first" and "next things next" for his district, was at first appalled telling me this. When I told him he was in good company (Hinton has referred to the City of Vancouver as the "Vancouver Soviet" and Representative Jim Moeller as "Lavrenty Beria", 1950s Soviet KGB chief under Stalin), he laughed his head off. It was a good quirky moment showing why Madore-esque lemming spokesfolks, such as Hinton, are so scared to talk "nuts and bolts" with Briggs, an all around good guy. 

Briggs, who spoke straight talk to me about how "change (in terms of suburban growth) is inevitable" in the 18th District, noted that Vancouver is "the tip of the iceberg" for growth on the prettiest river (the Columbia) - as voters in the mushrooming cities of the 18th District know all too well. Briggs has some smart ideas on increasing mass transit options - especially for folks needing to get to work and back in the 18th. He also has some smart ideas for better commuting - whether by car or carpool - and ideas on how to improve transportation corridor connections, particularly between Battle Ground and the rest of the suburban area, and between Camas and East Vancouver - the nexus of 18th District growth. 

Finally, as far as Commissioner Mador-e's (that's with a long "e", as in "Midori") vaunted and touted East County bridge across the Columbia River goes, Mike is ALL FOR IT - AS LONG AS THE I-5 MESS GETS FIXED FIRST. Mike recognizes, unlike Brandon Vick, Liz Pike, and others who are on the Madore lemming bandwagon waving the E 192nd Ave crossing in our faces on advisory votes, that a fix for badly congested Interstate 5 comes FIRST. All else is secondary. 

Here's the text of my formal interview with Briggs, where he answers 9 questions O Vancouvria! is asking of all the political candidates in the run-up to November 4's election. Read on, and stay tuned for Shane Gardner, Sheriff candidate and devoted hermit crab owner, on Tuesday, Sept 30! 

Interview with Mike Briggs: 

1) What would you like us to know about yourself? 

I am a conscientious person who has the time and motivation to run for an important office in the State of Washington. I am not a career politician. I have never ran for an office before. I have lived my whole life in this area. I am a disabled veteran and served my country for six years in the Navy. I retired early at the age of 56 in the wood products industry. My last position was as a lumber trader. I do not owe anybody anything (except for a small mortgage on my current home) either finanically or politically. I consider myself to be a Progressive Moderate. 

2) What would you like us to know about your opponent? 

You should find that out for yourself.

3) What experience do you bring to this office? 

My experience comes from a full life already lived...and with a long way to go. 

I have many years experience in this area's forest industry, have served my country in the Navy being attached to a Helicopter Combat Support Squadron where are principal mission was search & rescue. I have a good financial background. I have worked as an auditor for the I.R.S. and I have also worked with disabled veterans with the U.S. Veteran's Administration. I have also returned to school, PSU, and am very close to finally attaining my BA degree in Liberal Studies. I am concentrating on Creative Non Fiction Writing and Political Science.

My wife and I have three adult children and three grandchildren. 

4) What strengths do you have for the position? 

Integrity, ethics, courage of conviction, intelligence, articulation, passion, drive, critical thinking skills, and the knowledge between, right & wrong, and of all shades in between.

5) What hopes do you have for this office if elected? 

I want to bring leadership, courage, and the ability to make decisive decisions. 

Specifically, I want to heal our education system and I want to creat the kind of transportation corridor for SW Washington, that will be the envy of the Pacific NW, and I want to market SW Washington for all the good it possess for business and for people.

6) How will you bring that vision (for the office) into action? 

Through vision, intelligence, perseverance and the powers of my persuasion. 

7) Why are you running for this job? 

Two reasons:

1) To give back
2) To be an example for others

8) Tell us something humorous that's happened on the campaign trail. 

I was working very hard putting up some big 4x8 signs. It was hot. I was hot. I had not eaten breakfast and I was not staying hydrated. Former Mayor Nan Hendriksen drove by and stopped. My fellow volunteers and I walked over to her car. She took one look at me and said, "Mike, do you feel ok"? I replied, "Well, I am tired and it is hot." She said, "Take care of yourself. You don't look good." Then she drove off.

I looked in the reflection of her rear car window before she sped off. 

I did not look good. 

(Later I found out that I was a Type II Diabetic).

9) What's your favorite color/s, and why? 

Deep Forest Green. 

When I was in the Navy and far away, if I felt lonely, or sad, I would just think of the forest, deep inside, and remember that "Deep Forest Green" color. It always made me feel better. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Modern-Day Slavery in Shumway, and Anne McEnerny-Ogle's Courageous Response

My prayers are with everyone in Hough, my old neighborhood today, as police hunt for a dangerous murder suspect on the loose.


Courtesy The Columbian, April 2, 2014. VPD officer removing evidence from a massage parlor in Shumway neighborhood.

 Vancouver City Council Member Anne McEnerny-Ogle is upset, and rightly so. She recently got her Shumway neighborhood organized, and with the help of fellow council members, the Vancouver police, and international anti-sex trafficking groups, got FIVE massage parlors suspected of sex trafficking in Vancouver SHUT DOWN. 

You may not think lil' ol' Vantucky would be a popular place for these sorts of "big city" things. However, with a population now exceeding 180K in City limits, and near 500K in Clark County, and given our geographic position straddling Interstate 5 (a major corridor in moving sex slaves north from Mexico and south from Canada into the US), its clear this is a major and horrific issue in our fair city that needs addressing. 

Anne, with the help of Vancouver City Council and our local "men and women in Olympia" (among them Speaker Pro Tem Jim Moeller, representing West Vancouver's (and Shumway's) 49th District, has gotten a bill before Olympia this year to CRACK DOWN on this nasty and immoral business. Anne puts her work on this issue like this: 

"As the saying goes, slavery didn't end with abolition.
Human sex trafficking is modern-day slavery and it's here in our community.
Our 21st Century pimps buy business licenses, set up shop in commercial strip malls, and advertise online.

Vancouver Councilors are going to Olympia to ask for help in ending slavery in Washington." 
Massage Parlor's Grand Opening in Gresham, offering Gentleman Specials
I am ashamed to admit (and humbly apologize again for) my disbelief when Anne first brought this very important issue to my attention - even to the point of laughing at her, rather than listening to what she had to say. I was wrong. Anne has got my full attention, and support, on this issue. Its my firm and earnest belief that I need to bear witness on issues of right and wrong that draw bright lines. This is one of those issues. 
Anne, the City Council, and our folks in Olympia working on this bill need everyone's FULL SUPPORT to get a bill passed up with our Legislature, and signed by Governor Inslee, this January 2015. Please join me in giving Anne what she needs to get this important work done. 
O Vancouvria!'s interview with Senator Craig Pridemore, running for County Commissioner (District 3, West Vancouver) has been delayed til October 11. Craig is busy running for office. In the meantime, here are some exciting and fresh pics I took at Hello Vancouver!'s wonderful show last night, including one of Craig "doing the moves" with 18th District Dem candidate Maureen Winningham. Stay tuned for this Sunday, Sept 28, when we talk "tiny houses" with Bill Turlay and Vancouver city management, and sit down with Mike Briggs, Dem candidate for Brandon Vick's seat in the 18th District (north and east Clark County, including Camas and Battle Ground). 



Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Charter NO Flyer - for Everyone's Perusal, If Y'all Dare

The Enraged Red GOP Elephant of Madore's Clark County Waves its Tusks Around at the Proposed New County Charter
Real quick-like, here's a flyer from the "NO ON THE NEW COUNTY CHARTER" campaign, showing us the "Dark Side" of Vancouver City "urban liberals' agenda". Oh my!!!! I had no idea that I was a) an "urban liberal", or b) was promoting a "Dark Side" from my Clark County jail cell Sunday night/most of Monday the 22nd. 

Charter NO Flyer, Now in Print

Was I promoting said "dark side" over cannoli and coffee at Luxe yesterday? Or was it on the Number 6 bus on my way into downtown Portland (where the "Dark Side" comes from, presumably) yesterday afternoon? 

Charter NO mascot, after lipstick applied by Anna Miller, David Madore's personal assistant, who heads the NO on Charter campaign
I hope Carolyn Crain sets me straight in her NO ON COUNTY CHARTER video presentation! Set to debut soon!!!!

Carolyn Crain, NO no County Charter spokeslady - oh wait, this is Bea Arthur. My bad. 

 Since, yes, I am promoting responsible government that ensures the rights of the people (and of the "urban liberals" that make up half this County's population but get currently only 1/3 the seats on Council), I will in fact promote the CHARTER YES! campaign: Its supported by both Dems and GOP folks alike, including Joe Zarelli, Ann Rivers, and Gary Lucas on the right; and Jim Moeller and Nan Henriksen on the left. Hardly folks you'd think were part of the "Dark Side" (unless Sheriff Lucas has suddenly donned Darth Vader gear as part of the Charter YES campaign?)

A Map Published by Vancouver's Politburo (i.e. our "urban liberal" City Council), showing local Vancouver City "urban liberal" Soviets - all promoting the Dark Side, per NO on Charter folks)

My heavens! With this "dark side" at work (the NO on Charter folks?) I should be much more careful. I'd hate my "fifth element" tendencies of "Portland socialism" (Commissioner David Madore's public words about me, Shea Michael Anderson, on his Facebook page, before he blocked me) to get in the way of the good agenda the NO on Charter folks (headed by David Madore's personal assistant and her hubby, Anna and Chuck Miller) are pushing!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday at O Vancouvria!: Black Mold, Staples, Fleas at Jail; Interesting Insights About County Clerk Scotty Weber; We Sit Down Over Cannoli and Coffee with County Clerk Candidate Deanna Pauli-Hammond

We live in interesting times here in Clark County at the start of the full Fall campaign season for general elections, November 4. To kick off election season here at O Vancouvria!, I'd like to start with a quick statement of my OWN political and philosophical views, as they pertain to which candidates for office I support, and why. 

I am registered as a Libertarian (with a BIG L). However, I come to Libertarianism from being first a registered Green (2000, Nader), and then a registered Democrat - so a little different from "Tea Party" Lib folks in Clark County. I firmly believe in LOVE THROUGH SERVICE (as a proud Unitarian Universalist). I believe candidates for office should do the following: 

-make sure the BUCK stops with them, per Harry Truman
-have nothing to FEAR but FEAR ITSELF, per Franklin Delano Roosevelt
-believe that a HOUSE DIVIDED cannot stand, per Abe Lincoln

Candidates who get my endorsement at O Vancouvria! should be HONEST, OPEN-MINDED, and WILLING TO WORK FOR THE PEOPLE (all of the people) at all times. They should admit when wrong, take honest personal inventories of themselves, and be willing to do better and work for the common good - including human rights and a shared commitment to serve the people through their love of work: not just themselves, but ALL who work under them. I want candidates who are fiscally responsible and who KNOW their offices, and the functions of office and their underlings, inside and out. I want candidates who have fresh ideas to old problems, and are willing to listen to honest and constructive critique. 

Too much for you? Well, keep coming back and listen up. (-: 

Now, on to the MEAT OF TODAY'S POST: 


O Vancouvria! has learned firsthand and up close (as in, sleeping on the floor of a couple jail pods Sunday night, Sept 21, after being arrested for a DUI while sipping white wine in my backyard with my roommate and NOT being behind the wheel - stay tuned on that) about the horrid conditions in the Clark County Jail. 

Horrid conditions in this woefully understaffed and overcrowded jail are nothing new, as the ACLU has mentioned in human rights complaints to the State of Washington. Its a shame that the Superior Court judges of Clark County, who own the jail through a consortium that the County contracts with, can't be bothered to fix things up at the Clark County Jail. It's even more unfortunate that the Sheriff's Office has NO COMMENT officially as of press time to the conditions I witnessed firsthand.

To wit: jail cells are infested with black mold along the walls, particularly around toilet areas. Jail toilets, particularly in B and G pods, no longer flush properly, if at all. Jail pods, where twice as many inmates as there are beds are stuffed together like sardines, hold fleas - both in the bedding and on inmates' flesh (I have the bites to prove it). Jail pods are NOT provided with adequate cleaning supplies to mop floors - a mop is brought in once a day, and I did see glass cleaner for the "mirror" provided in the pod. Inmates SHARE an electric shaver and hair goop - up to 25 men using one shaver to spruce themselves up for video court. 

To their credit, jail staff are, in the main, polite and respectful. However, upon advice of my lawyer, I told my intake lady, a large blonde officer, that I had NOTHING TO SAY - whereupon she said I was "being difficult" and threw me into a B Pod cell with NO MATTRESS for 12 hours. Hence, I was very up close and personal with black mold and fleas for quite some time. I'm relieved there was drinking water. 

I asked Shane Gardner, press spokesperson for the Sheriff's office and Clark County Sheriff candidate, what the thoughts of said office and his campaign were. He responded with the following: 

"I am so sorry but I cannot use this email for my campaign and because I am working full time cannot address this until after your deadline when I am off duty.  My campaign email address is:"

O Vancouvria! will hear more from Shane about these jail conditions when we sit down and interview him, and hear his thoughts about the new County Charter we're all voting on come November 4, on September 30. Stay tuned. 
Shane also had "no comment" about inmates in the jail having access to staples. Jail staff routinely staple inmate documents together, and then give the document bundle to inmates to hold on to. O Vancouvria! witnessed these staples being used in fresh and inventive ways (weapons) while being held in G Pod. Sheriff's Office and Corrections staff, including Deputy Sheriff Gail Anderson and Corrections Officer Erin Wasch, thought this use of staples appalling and promised to give the problem their full attention. We hope that is indeed the case. 
Finally, it appears that jail staff, in particular the officer that does fingerprinting and mugshots at the jail, are fully behind Shane Gardner for Sheriff - as a head nod and big grin by said officer to me during booking seem to indicate. 
I'm eager to hear from folks at the Sheriff's Office what they think about all of this. Please let me know either on here in the comments section or by email,
O Vancouvria! has learned, through multiple sources, some very interesting things about County Clerk Scotty Weber. Among said finds: 
-Weber, on Clark-Vancouver TV and in the 2010 Voters' Guide, indicated to voters his desire to "abolish" the office of County Clerk, contracting its vital business (ensuring accurate and truthful records of trials and working to ensure peoples' access to legal redress) to private entities. 
-Weber, during statements made to The Columbian at his endorsement interview, had NO IDEA what the budget of the Clerk's office was (6.5M, give or take) or how many employees he oversees. 
-Weber told CVTV that the reason domestic violence facilitators (who assist victims, both defendants and plaintiffs, in resolving domestic violence issues without judicial intervention) don't "need" private Courthouse meeting areas is because "domestic violence is going to be a matter of public record anyways". 
-Weber, during a May 2014 event held at Main Event West (downtown Vancouver), consumed 5 LONG ISLAND ICED TEAS at Main Event West, then more drinks afterwards, in the company of Washougal City Councilman Brent Boger - who apparently drove Weber home. 
These are all interesting facts about County Clerk Weber - who had NO COMMENT on any of it to O Vancouvria! at press time. Stay tuned. Here's a link to some of those comments from Weber's 2010 campaign, for those interested.
O Vancouvria! sat down with County Clerk Candidate Deanna Pauli-Hammond (Dem) this morning at Luxe, 700 Washington Street, in Vancouver, and talked with her a bit about goings-on with her and her campaign over delicious coffee and cannoli this morning. Luxe is a WONDERFUL Seattle-style lounge that serves a full menu, microbrews, coffee, and delicious pastries. A great place for a quiet chit-chat. 
Deanna expressed worry that she "didn't have a funny story" to tell O Vancouvria! readers - then I asked her about her injured right hand. We hence came up with a "hook" for her (her hand is in a sling). As Deanna tells it, she's "relieved nothing worse happened, and her ego is intact". True dat, Deanna - and we at O Vancouvria! are VERY RELIEVED you are OK. 
Turns out Deanna, who has a zest for campaigning and a desire to DO RIGHT by the people of Clark County by getting the Clerk's office fiscally back on track and responsible directly to the people (all values O Vancouvria! shares), got a little zealous Sunday morning at 5:30 AM, when most folks are still in bed. She decided to put in a large campaign sign at the "Y" Mart (4th Plain Road and Ward Road), and, in pounding the sign stakes with a mallet into the cement-like dry ground, wound up stepping down on the shovel a bit too fast, and fell over backwards onto her left palm - and right wrist. She gets the splint off tomorrow and begged my pardon for her "one-handed" typing. Its all good, Deanna. You get this one, "hook, line, and sinker". 
Deanna's website, including clips of her fresh policies and zest for the Clerk's office and its values, is at Deanna also wants folks to know she's got a YouTube channel (I wish I did LOL).  
Finally, Deanna mentioned that Willy, her CUTE AS A BUTTON 17-month old bulldog, will soon have his own BLOG, on Blogger. Stay tuned for that link, folks. Willy is adorable. 
So, here's the potatoes of today's Tuesday O Vancouvria! Enjoy them. We'll talk Thursday, when we (hopefully) sit down with Craig Pridemore, County Council candidate for the 3rd District (Vancouver).
1) What would you like us to know about yourself? 
I am a 26 year Clark County resident who has successfully climbed the corporate ladder and am now committed to serving the people of our community.  I feel our community deserves qualified elected officials that truly care about our community. With 25 years of executive finance, management and leadership experience I am clearly the only qualified candidate in this race for the position.

2) What would you like us to know about your opponent? 

This could be a loaded question but I will stick with a few of the basics.

For starters Mr. Weber ran in his primary election to abolish the office. Stating at a taped interview during the election process, if he could not he would step down and go back into the private sector.  

Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with him at two side-by-side interviews I have been able to learn a few key points that are very concerning to me.  

  1. After almost 4 years in office he did not know his departmental budget. Nor does he know what number was “settled” on for the upcoming 15/16 biannual departmental budget.  
  2. He blamed the 5.21% budget increase on a few raises, a couple scanners and adding one employee.  (even though there are fewer employees than when he took office – he clearly does not understand budgeting)
  3. He still does not know the difference between the term abolishing the office and making it an appointed position, stating they are the same thing.
  4. He also stated that he had an employee donate almost 2000 hours of their time for a portion of the e-filing implementation.  Also that the implementation cost little if no money and that it will be an ever changing system, basically until they get it right.  
  5. He believes the facilitator’s office is in a private enough area (it is an open office with the waiting area on the main floor of the court house by the cafĂ©) and that it doesn’t really matter where it is because it will become public record anyway.  (as a general rule the facilitators deal with domestic violence restraining orders and family court issues – his flippant statement leads me to believe he has little to no regard for the physical or mental well being of the people in our community)

3) What experience do you bring to this office? 
I possess more than two decades of executive finance, management, leadership, customer service and organizational experience.  With the Clerk being responsible for over 3 million dollars of Clark County Citizen’s money in trust for a wide range of functions and services. The community needs to know your funds are being managed and accounted for properly.  The office also has a biannual departmental budget of 6.5 million dollars.
In the last decade I have successfully implemented several new large corporate
systems. One example: Seamlessly implementing a large all-encompassing proprietary accounting and file tracking system which tied together a small accounting system, proprietary file tracking system, and several other archaic information tracking systems. Bringing together information for thousands of clients, from 17 satellite offices for expedient, accurate financial data reporting and file organization. The system paid for itself in less than 12 months in man hours alone. 

4) What strengths do you have for the position? 

I have successfully, with true integrity and full accountability managed multi-million dollar budgets on a monthly and annual basis, while remaining in compliance with financial institutions and governmental agencies and their reporting requirements.

I am also a working manager who believes in working with my team to provide a positive working environment.

5) What hopes do you have for the County Clerk's office if elected? 
My plan is to immediately focus on reorganizing the e-filing implementation so team members and our attorneys can successfully utilize the system without having to work around the newly rolled out system currently in place. In tandem, I will take a detailed look at the departmental budget to find out exactly why there was a 5.21% increase during the 13/14 budget cycle and focus on ways to get that number back in line.  As the Clerk’s office is not only responsible for maintaining the superior court records and the judicious processing of those documents, it is also the Financial Officer of the Superior Court, which is often forgotten.
I am also a passionate advocate for programs to prevent against domestic violence and elder abuse as well as for lower income families to get the assistance they need in a friendly, compassionate and expedient manner.  I plan to provide sufficient access to the resources needed to fill out and file the correct paperwork, such as in-house Kiosks with step by step instructions in a private secure location. 

6) How will you bring that vision (for the Clerk's office) into action? 
See above. Deanna carries herself WELL.

7) Why are you running for this job? 
The public deserves an elected official in the Clerk’s office that has a full understanding of maintaining departmental budgets, has the proven management, leadership experience and drive to successfully implement and maintain sound processing systems.  My education and executive training by far surpasses my opponents.  In addition to implementing many extensive, forward thinking, overall cost saving, IT projects I possess 25 years of successful top level financial management, leadership and customer service experience. Therefore I am the only qualified candidate for this position and the best person to carry out the Clerk’s role.  

8) Tell us something humorous that's happened on the campaign trail. 
See above - the "hand" story.

9) What's your favorite color/s, and why? 
My favorite color is pink.  Besides the fact that it goes great with my dark hair and olive completion.  It is a color that speaks of my personality.  I am sensitive, loving, kind and have others best interests at heart. I also have a positive outlook on life, am reserved and meticulously organized.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

3 For Sunday at O Vancouvria!: More on NE 68th Street Sidewalks; The Vancouver Soviet and Bus Rapid Transit; Madore & Mielke Split, Madore Threatens to Resign if Charter YES Passes

It's a triplicate of good news here on Sunday's O Vancouvria! I spent Saturday enjoying the sunshine and buying fine linens for my van (apologies to Charter YES! folks expecting me at Esther Short Park), so to make up for it, here's your "good news" on "God's day"! 


O Vancouvria! has heard back from Heath Henderson, Director of Public Works, and various staff at County Public Works about the lack of NE 68th Street sidewalks between Hwy 99 and the First Congregational Church. If you recall, NE 68th Street going uphill five blocks to the church from Hwy 99 lacks shoulders, sidewalks, and street lighting, with a speed limit of 35 MPH. 

Here's a picture, taken by me, of the street in question, so folks can see for themselves: 

NE 68th Street, looking uphill towards First Congregational 

Here's a LINK to the County's own feasibility study as to whether sidewalks can be built on NE 68th Street or not. I'm still waiting for feasibility studies on simpler things, like shoulders, and street lights. Or simply cutting back the vegetation on NE 68th Street so elderly Congregationalist church members and sickly HIV-positive people needing the food bank can walk off the road to get uphill. 

Candidates for the County Council's 3rd District seat (currently held by Ed Barnes, who has not yet had any comment about the lack of sidewalks for elderly folks on NE 68th Street) indicated to O Vancouvria! that perhaps a lack of money was to blame - which is in fact exactly what Heath Henderson had to tell me. 

I don't have much more to say about this issue at this time, except that gee, perhaps if the County, under Commissioner Madore, hadn't given developers (including ones building along NE 68th Street) a fee holiday to "create jobs" (that haven't been created), then maybe there'd be enough money in the County budget to, I don't know, widen the shoulder along the road to the church? 


The Interstate Bridge, at "Red" Dusk - Showing the Path Communist Infiltration is Taking From Portland
KJ Hinton, in the closed Facebook group "Eyes on Liar (Mayor) Leavitt" indicated the following: 

"Every part of Clark County, including the Vancouver Soviet, voted against the BRT scam. That should be all he (Mayor Leavitt) concerns himself with".

I'm not too worried about what Mr. Hinton has to say regarding our politics here in "old Vancouver City", especially given he has his facts wrong (Vancouver City expressly voted FOR light rail twice, and voted to become a special C-Tran tax district specifically to build Bus Rapid Transit on 4th Plain Blvd by 52 to 48%). 

As anyone who rides the Number 4 bus regularly (like I do) to and from Delta Park MAX and Vancouver Mall knows, the 4 bus is invariably late, slow, and crowded - due to it being the main bus line in all of C-Tran's system, as well as the milk run along 4th Plain Blvd, with stops every two blocks. The 4 bus also goes over the Interstate Bridge to Jantzen Beach and the MAX, during rush hour and not. This is not the fault of drivers, passengers, or traffic, and I'll go into issues with the 4 bus in a later post of O Vancouvria!. 

It's not even Mr. Hinton's harsh language, referring to Vancouver City as a "Soviet", that bothers me (in fact, the original post where Mr Hinton's comment was made, by Lew Waters, laments that Vancouver, under Mayor Leavitt, has become "more like North Portland"). I'm quite happy, as are many Vancouver citizens, to be turning into more of a North Portland-like area every day (without many of North Portland's glaring problems, like crime). 

A Quick Guide to the Vancouver Soviet, showing beach heads we Communists are making in Hazel Dell, Salmon Creek, and Orchards. Note the direction Red infiltration comes from - North Portland!
What bothers me about the conservative right in this County, and their online presence, is their ability to constantly play "fast and loose" with facts, particularly election results (such as saying we in Vancouver voted against Bus Rapid Transit). Just because right-wing folks in the County are sore losers doesn't mean they need to LIE in their official written statements to the press. 

Comrades of the Vancouver Soviet, let's come together and make sure the truth, as it happens, sets others free!


Now for the meat in O Vancouvria!'s Sunday potatoes: conservative blogger Lew Waters has indicated to me, in a special aside, that there is a deep split between Madore and Mielke on County Council. Waters, who is in hiding due to, in his own words, "rabid (Ron) Paul activists openly threatening his life", has told O Vancouvria! that Commissioners Madore and Mielke are "at each others' throats". This split, per Lew Waters, is causing the County Republicans to "attack each other like piranhas". 

We'll see if these statements of Lew's hold up November 4th, but other sources on the left wing in our fair County have indicated privately to O Vancouvria! that this split may in fact be the case. Furthermore, said sources, who shall remain nameless at this time, indicate to O Vancouvria! that Commissioner Madore, in a fit of pique, has announced his intent to "resign" if the new County Charter, which we vote on this November 4, passes. Signs and polls at this point show that said passage is VERY likely, by 60% YES. 

I encourage Commissioner Madore to resign NOW and beat a walloping in the polls. Of course, this could be my own "Red" characteristics (as Madore describes me to others publicly on his Facebook) talking. 


O Vancouvria! will be publishing on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays between now and November 4 (Election Day), in order to accommodate interviews with candidates seeking election to local, state, and (hopefully) federal offices here in Clark County. Stay tuned Tuesday for our interview with Deanna Pauli-Hammond, Democratic candidate for County Clerk!