Tuesday, February 11, 2014

City of Vancouver Parking Manager Response

Hi Mike, Ive withdrawn my name from consideration.

Thank you, though, for the useful info about your department's policies, regulations, and (a bit suprised here) Parking's "jurisdiction". I had assumed your jurisdiction was the entire city? Who regulates parking outside your "geographic area"? Police? Private entities? The County?

As an aside, how can your department be effective in servicing city needs when your scope is limited? I'm also curious if you manage parking enforcement - I had heard thats a VPD function?

Be aware that your email, and my reply, are publicly posted on ovancouvria.blogspot.com.

Much appreciated,

On Feb 11, 2014 2:54 PM, "Merrill, Mike" <Mike.Merrill@cityofvancouver.us> wrote:

Hi Shea,


Thank you for your interest in the Parking Advisory Committee vacancies.


Attached are some documents that contain information about the Parking Advisory Committee.


1.       Provisions of the City’s Municipal Code that establish the jurisdiction and duties of the Parking Advisory Committee.


2.       A map of the Parking Advisory Committee’s Geographic jurisdiction.


3.       A list of the items the Parking Advisory Committee has recently completed and are currently considering.  


4.       The draft agenda for the February 26, 2014 Parking Advisory Committee meeting.


Here is the link to the Parking Advisory Committee webpage:




Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information about the committee or the parking program.


Thanks again for your interest.




Michael G Merrill | Parking Services Manager



Community and Economic Development/Parking Services Division

P: (360) 487-8658 |

www.cityofvancouver.us | www.cityofvancouver.us/socialmedia 


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