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O Vancouvria! Votes: Our 2014 General Election Endorsements
Here follows our 2014 Clark County general election endorsements. Remember to return your ballot by November 4, 2014, or vote in person at the Elections Office, 14th and Franklin, in Vancouver.
3rd District, U.S. House of Representatives
The nod here, of course, goes to Bob Dingenthal. Jaime Herrera-Buetler, most notable for nearly giving birth on the US House floor, has been the GOP Speaker of the House's right-hand gal heading the Transportation committee, as well as voting to SUE President Obama. While you'd think that steering the Transportation Committee would result in increased funding for SW Washington road and transit projects, you'd be thinking wrong - hardly a DIME has been seen from Herrera-Buetler's hands into improvements we badly need (can we say 119th to 4 lanes, anyone?). Even the SR 502 and Salmon Creek improvements were already in the works before good ol' H-B was elected.
Its time to turn this one-time Clinique counter girl back out of office, and go with a native son who has both the business experience and political savvy to be a good manager of our interests here in Clark County - Bob Dingenthal. Besides, Bob has a handsome gravitas and affable manner (including talking to folks on both sides of the aisle) that the tone-deaf H-B lacks. Bob even says he'll hold actual "town halls" - remember those? They're meetings at which all are welcome to ask questions and offer critique to those who represent us in DC. H-B, on the other hand, keeps on having coffees with small groups of "yes-folks", in such metropolitan places as Chehalis.
Time for Herrera-Buetler to go back to the Clinique counter. O Vancouvria! thinks that she'd do well running a day care from her Prune Hill McMansion, personally.
Initiative 1351:
This initiative, brought to voters by diligent efforts of teachers around the state, is about fully funding K-12 education and keeping class sizes down, per a State Supreme Court mandate and decision. Currently lawmakers in Olympia are busy clucking and feathering, like a nest of hens, refusing to meet the Supreme Court's decision - they're also already held in CONTEMPT.
Initiatives 591 and 594:
This pair of initiatives has to do with background checks on buyers of guns at gun shows and other places, such as licensed dealers. 591 conforms state restrictions to federal ones, while 594 strengthens restrictions. Given that there are already restrictions (including checking for felonies) on gun buyers in our state, and given that most folks committing crimes buy their guns illegally (not at gun shows), and given that gun-related crimes are actually DOWN in our state, it doesn't make sense to have increased restrictions. However, it also doesn't make sense to decrease them either (federal gun background checks are very weak to nonexistent). Finally, 594 would remove use taxes (a form of sales tax) from gun purchases - thus decreasing state revenues.
Voting YES on the pair cancels the other out, and leaves our current regulations, including tax collection, in place. Its sad that gun activists on both sides of the issue can't come together and find common ground (like Ralph Nader and Grover Norquist). Its even sadder that we the people have to be saddled with their bibble-babble on the ballot.
Vote YES on the pair of them, and tell both sides to come together. Or at least go back to the drawing board.
State Legislative Races
O Vancouvria! isn't endorsing anyone in the 14th District (which apparently includes a narrow slice of eastern Clark County) and wonders WHY Olympia gerrymanderers are forcing Yakima interests (which is where the 14th is) into our votes.
District 17 - east Vancouver, Orchards
State Rep Position 1 - MONICA STONIER
Monica has proven herself a diligent servant of the people in her district after her narrow victory 2 years ago. Its time for Madore-ites, backing Lynda Wilson, to simmer down and work with Monica, a centrist, on wisely channeling Olympia funds and policies to bring smart growth to this rapidly urbanizing district.
State Rep Position 2 - RICHARD MCCLUSKEY
Paul Harris, another Madore-ite (but with actual power as House minority whip in Olympia) needs to be called home. His views are out of line with the libertarian, independent, and centrist district he represents. However, while Richard has plenty of experience on the "front lines" of Democratic organizing (as precinct committee officer) it may be the case that a stronger, more experienced candidate needs to be put in front of voters. We reluctantly endorse MCCLUSKEY for this position.
District 18 - Camas, Washougal, Battle Ground, La Center
State Rep Position 1 - MIKE BRIGGS
Mike Briggs, a fresh-faced newcomer to Clark County politics, has walked the walk with educating himself on 18th District needs and reaching out to independent and libertarian voters who went with Michael Delavan in the primary. His sales and executive experience, as well as his own independent wealth, mean he won't be beholden to the will of Madore-ites as Brandon Vick so lavishly is. Furthermore, it appears Vick's barely been on the ground reaching out to voters in this increasingly liberal district - a bad sign that his time in Olympia is overdue.
MIKE BRIGGS wholeheartedly gets our endorsement as the kind of "nuts n bolts" guy that the 18th District needs.
State Rep Position 2 - NO ENDORSEMENT
O Vancouvria! declines to endorse either LIz Pike or Maureen Winningham for this position. While Liz Pike needs to continue moving towards the sensible center and AWAY from single-minded CRC political red herrings, its clear that she does have the community-building experience to do that. Winningham, a political newcomer from Intel, needs to bide her time doing more "on-the-ground" work in her district, particularly when it comes to reaching out properly to independent voters.
NO ENDORSEMENTS IN THE 20TH DISTRICT (southern Cowlitz County).
District 49 - west Vancouver, Hazel Dell (below 99th Street)
State Rep Position 1 - ANSON SERVICE
O Vancouvria! wholeheartedly endorses Anson Service, a fresh-faced newcomer with good moderate ideas for Olympia changes, to the Position 1 seat. Sharon Wylie, the incumbent, has done little or no voter outreach, preferring instead to perhaps run her campaign from her front porch? Anson is out in front of voters as a independent, sensible candidate with strong views on keeping Clark County monies working for Clark County - a breath of fresh air from Olympia politics as usual. We hope in endorsing Anson that he continues his streak of independence, rather than being forced into an increasingly untenable conservative GOP line.
State Rep Position 2 - JIM MOELLER
Jim Moeller, currently Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore of the State House (the person who controls the House floor and movement of bills to become laws), has been our no-nonsense State rep for nigh on 12 years now. His wisdom, experience, and connections to voters here in west Vancouver is unparalleled. Meanwhile, his opponent Lisa Ross was reduced to reading her answers out of notebooks during their debate on cable television.
Its clear we DO need to keep Jim in Olympia working for us, regardless of what Madore naysayers think, and say, about him as a person. Jim is our true point man in Olympia.
O Vancouvria takes NO POSITION on any State Supreme Court races, except to say vote for the candidates who support the rights of the People as enshrined in our Constitution.
Clark County Assessor - PETER VAN NORTWICK
Peter, a Republican, has kept a good handle on getting assessments of property values in line with state laws, as well as working to ensure the County meets similar levels of service on a smaller, leaner budget.
Clark County Auditor - GREG KIMSEY
The Elections office is BAR NONE excellent, as is Kimsey's ongoing and thorough look-sees into how our County spends its funds.
Its time for a change at the County Clerk's office. Scott Weber, the incumbent, doesn't know how many folks he employs, is unsure of his budget, prefers domestic violence victims to air their dirty laundry in public (he doesn't provide private spaces for them to meet with courthouse advocates), and has personal problems too numerous to count.
Deanna, on the other hand, has a proven track record in the business world of efficient management and solid records-keeping and accounting, as well as a solid tack on the need for the County Clerk to work FOR the People, particularly with their legal needs. O Vancouvria! can't solidly endorse Deanna's sensible ideas and methods enough here, given the current chaos at the County Clerk's office.
Clark County Commissioner, District 3 - west Vancouver - CRAIG PRIDEMORE
Craig is the clear choice for someone with leadership and management experience to represent the will of the People in his district. He also has the progressive credentials necessary to accurately represent increasingly progressive and liberal voters west of 205. Jeanne Stewart, meanwhile, is Madore's pick for the Commish seat.
Craig furthermore is committed to the goals of the new County Charter, including implementation in the face of an increasingly petulant GOP majority on the Clark County Board of Commissioners with regards to giving up their hallowed privileges.
Let's get District 3 a real voice when it comes to OUR issues. CRAIG PRIDEMORE is the clear pick.
Clark County Prosecuting Attorney - JOSIE TOWNSEND
Josie is our choice for County prosecutor. She has the creds, including police credentials, legal credentials, and management experience. She's also a solid moderate who recognizes that circumstances vary with each case, and she's committed to treating folks respectfully - including the mentally ill. Golik, meanwhile, is said by his own staff to lack the management skills necessary to head up his current office.
Clark County Sheriff - SHANE GARDNER
O Vancouvria! reluctantly endorses Shane Gardner for the important position of Clark County sheriff, with the understanding that he will follow through on his campaign promises to make the Sheriff's office a more progressive and community-responsive place, including improving urban policing conditions and at the Jail. Its clear that increasing urban populations in unincorporated Clark County call for changes to policies in this office that have gone on for too long under Gary Lucas' 32 years at the helm.
Clark County Treasurer - LAUREN COLAS
Lauren gets our nod for Treasurer, given her 25 years experience investing other peoples' money in Fortune 500 company work. Our current Treasurer Doug Lasher is busy mishandling our funds (our current rate of return on County investments is LESS than what you'd get from a savings account at a credit union). Furthermore, Treasury employees are unresponsive to the public, uncaring about their own jobs, and worry more about nickel-and-dime nitpicking folks over their unpaid tax bills than about being actual servants of the public. Lauren has clear ideas that work about how to manage OUR money. After 25 years of Lasher, its time for a change.
I don't really need to go into much further detail about why you should vote YES on our new County Charter - which organizes how our County is governed. But, four points that should resonate with any SANE voter:
-increased representation for both urban and rural areas, with 2 seats to rural/suburban areas, and 2 seats to Vancouver voters. The Chair of this enlarged County Council will be elected by ALL County voters.
-decreased costs and salaries for County government, thanks to a slashing of Commissioner salaries in half.
-a hired (by the County Council) County Administrator with direct oversight of County employees (like a City manager, such as how Vancouver does it), thus leaving politics OUT of County hiring/firing decisions.
-powers of initiative, recall, and referendum that we currently lack.
Need I say more? If there is ONE RACE you vote on this November 4, vote YES to a sane County government. Please?