Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Beggars, Public Roads, and a Mean Spirited Clark County Council

It appears that our lame-duck Clark County Council is at it again. All three commissioners voted to prohibit begging and panhandling on public roads, with stiff penalties for violations of infraction. Two of our commissioners, Mielke and Madore, are up for election next year in their NEW districts, while the third, Barnes, is a lame duck (if not already out in favor of Pridemore). 

While public begging can be a distressing sight, I find it strange that our commissioners would choose to further tax an already over-stretched Sheriff's Department and our overcrowded Jail by putting extremely poor folks (usually homeless, and in need of social and recovery services) to task. Even if all this new policy nets are warm bodies for the Mabry Work Crew Center (impossible to get to for many, given its Brush Prairie location) to pick up litter and blow leaves around, it still adds bodies to an overburdened corrections system here in Clark County. 

Given the holidays are upon us, its mean-spirited and wrongheaded for our commissioners to attack those LEAST able to help themselves, in the interests of "public safety". I'm not sure whether commissioners think a lump of coal would also be appropriate, given the circumstances. 

SHAME on the Clark County Council for enacting this ordinance.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

2014 Election Musings - Everything Zen - New County Charter Say YES PLEASE!!!!!

New County Charter Say YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The 2014 Election is over and done with, and all interested parties have gone on home to their beds. Or are hiding heads in shame. Or are going forward with their lives.

As Mike Briggs, Democratic challenger against Brandon Vick in the 18th District, noted: "I'm just being zen". And he was. With lots of cold water, and the help of his lovely and bright wife, Janet Anderson Briggs.

Mike Briggs and wife Janet Anderson Briggs, being Zen, at Torque Coffee
Others, including Speaker of the House Pro Tempore and 49th District incumbent Jimmy Moeller, were being cool and suave in their dressy bow ties, with out-of-town bowtie lovers in tow.

Jim Moeller and Handsome Out-of-Town Bow Tie Man
Folks such as Megan McDonagh were also tranquil, while others, such as Michele McDermid, were out and about like myself, catching the reactions of political possibles, has-beens, and interested others.

Michele McDermid, at Torque, with her Eagle Eye on the ball 
As for yours truly, I enjoyed the selection of hot and cold meats, and cheeses, that the Clark County Dems laid out at their "before" party at Torque Coffee downtown, along with a cooled-down cup of said coffee, in order to briskly walk thence to Gaiser Hall at Clark College to get the local election results firsthand.

Greg Kimsey Checks Everything Twice
At Gaiser Hall, all was grave as Greg Kimsey, Clark County Elections Director, strode around with his underlings on stage, making sure all was in readiness for polling results. Jack Burkman, Vancouver City Councilmember and Clark College trustee, strode in at 5 til 8, local Dem bigwigs in tow, and sat down promptly at one of the round tables with his tablet at the ready, eager to read the tea leaves and see which way the wind was blowing. Bets were placed, with some (such as Burkman) eagerly calling others out on their (mis)reading of "point spreads" - elections being similar to football game betting. Others, such as State Rep Sharon Wylie (D-49th), stayed mum, showing off their gorgeous makeup and dual-toned haircoloring jobs.

Jack Burkman Reading Tea Leaves
Sharon Wylie, Looking Grave
Perhaps the wisest of all the great sages out for Election Night 2014 reposed demurely in the lap of a 90-year old lady, its owner. The small dog in question (I believe a Shi-Tzu?) sat serenely, all orange fluff, not endorsing anyone, nor making predictions. I asked its parent which candidates said dog endorsed. She replied that her dog endorses "ONLY Democratic and Jewish candidates", over which the dog apparently barks enthusiastically.
The Silent Shi-Tzu

As I left Gaiser Hall at 8:30 (congratulating Jim Moeller and Erica Marchbank on my way out) the dog remained. Silent.

So...what does this election 2014 ALL MEAN?

-Voters go with incumbents, in most instances. Nearly all incumbents, with the exception of both in the 17th District (east Vancouver), were re-elected. Some (such as Brandon Vick in the 18th) were re-elected with near 60%. Others, such as Jim Moeller and Sharon Wylie, narrowed their 2012 numbers significantly (margins of around 57% in their favor, as opposed to 60-61%).

-Voters go with candidates flush with money. Both incumbents lost in the 17th because a) the State Democratic machine, always Seattle-centric, didn't bother to support them with campaign dollars and publicity, and b) Commissioner David Madore (also CEO of US Digital) funnelled LARGE amounts into the races of BOTH Republican candidates in that district.

-Voters prefer the party NOT in power at mid-term elections (as nationwide gains for the GOP in the Senate showed us). In Clark County, this showed up in narrower victory margins for incumbents.

-Democrats are NOT reaching out effectively to Libertarians, and other independents, particularly on issues of individual rights - including the right to bear arms. It appears County Dems are beholden to Seattle advice (perhaps that was the sexy out-of-town bowtie contingent appearing with Jim Moeller?) on such matters, rather than actually LISTENING to the great body of independent voters in Clark County (comprising 35% of the electorate).

Finally, and what really excites me this 2014 Election, our NEW COUNTY CHARTER (and associated new County government structure, giving more power to the people, with powers of initiative, recall, and referendum, and more weight to Vancouver and suburban voters, plus a professional streamlined "city manager" style of County administration more suited to the metropolitan area we've become) passed RESOUNDINGLY, 57% in favor. I am honored to my fellow Clark County citizens for voting YES on said Charter.

Also, Craig Pridemore is our new Commissioner in District 3 (west Vancouver). Craig is a thoroughly SOLID supporter of the Charter, squeaking in on a 51% Countywide vote.

So what does this mean? First of all, it means Commissioner David Madore should live up to his threats (promises?) and RESIGN HIS OFFICE (which he said he'd do if the Charter passed). Secondly, it means citizens of Clark County are FED UP with shenanigans of the banana republic down at the County building on 13th and Franklin (I encourage Commissioner Tom Mielke to make a FULL BREAK with Madore's flim flam and bibble babble). Thirdly, it means a new day of responsible County government (including holding elections to fill two new vacancies on an expanded Clark County Council) has dawned. Attitudes at County government, including those of the other elected offices (Treasurer, Auditor, Assessor, Sheriff, Clerk, Prosecutor) must CHANGE with the times - rather than complain about their salaries, as Treasurer Doug Lasher did LOUDLY before County commissioners last week.

A new day is dawning for our County. I'm thrilled to be a part of it, and these results have in fact left me ZEN.

PS - O Vancouvria! returns post-election to once a week blogs. Stay tuned for more!